Your Reflection in a Dream

Awhile back I had a dream where I saw myself in a dream mirror. My reflection didn’t look like me and I found that somewhat puzzling. I decided to do a deep dive into the topic of mirror dreams to find answers. This blog of the result of a series of surprising and amazing discoveries I unearthed in my deep dive.
The meaning of seeing your reflection while dreaming is having the ability to see an inner view of yourself. Yet there’s more to it than that. Sometimes dreamers witness false beliefs about themselves that originate with insecurity and shame. The difference between different kinds of mirror dream meanings lies in context.
In order to effectively explore the many meanings of dream reflection it’s important to first answer the question What does it mean when you see your reflection in a dream?
What Does it Mean When You See Your Reflection?
As a whole, seeing your reflection within a dream means you’re seeing yourself. Though this is stating the obvious, your reflected dream image can reveal aspects of yourself you have yet to discover.
An example of this is hair. Hair typically symbolizes thinking. If your hair is styled differently or is cut in your reflection, it could mean there’s a change coming to the way you’re perceived or the way you look to others. This could be saying that there’s a change coming in the way that you interact with others, or the way others see you. If your hair is colored gray and that’s not the normal color of your hair, your reflection could be telling you that you’re showing signs of maturity in your thinking.
If you’re looking at your dream refection and your teeth start falling out, it could be telling you you’re losing your ability to chew on things, or think thing through. Your entire face is a metaphor of identity.
The face as a whole is a metaphor for identity, but what about individual facial features? Each of those features also have meaning and add a specificity that can bring even more meaning if the dream highlights them.
Face Dream Dictionary
Hair — thinking; Differently Styled or Cut Hair — change in the way others see you. |
Eyes — ability to see; missing eyes — blindness; Missing one eye — difficulty in perception |
Bottom Eyelid — basic or foundational issues of sight |
Ears — ability to hear; missing ears — deafness; missing one ear — partial ability to hear |
Nose — ability to sniff things out, discernment, spiritual senses |
Mouth — ability to speak, missing mouth — inability to speak |
Lips — words, voice |
Right Side of Face — empathy; |
Left Side of Face– logic |
Beard/Mustache — concealing identity |
Jaw — foundation of understanding |
When you’re observing your own identity through a mirrored dream reflection you can see yourself as you truly are, or you can see yourself through the filter of distortion.
The way you can determine if you’re seeing yourself through distortion or as you really are is to view what’s reflected back to you through the context of what’s happening in the dream. If the dream is a positive dream chances are what you see will be positive. If the dream is a negative dream chances are what you see in the mirror will be negative.
Read more about dream context here. –> CONTEXT.
What Does it Mean When You Can’t See Your Reflection?
As a general rule, if you can’t see your reflection in a dream it means you unable to see your identity clearly. You’ll usually look into a mirror and see blurry facial features that offer no defining identity at all. At trees, you might only see a certain part of your reflection because certain facial features are blurry or indiscernible. In this case, refer to the above table to discover what parts of your identity you’re unable to see.
If you can’t see any reflection at all, it can be quite startling or even scary. You’re having this reaction because your dream is wanting you to take notice that you have some serious identity issues. Your searching for your identity, and in that search you don’t even find a hint of identity.
The lack of identity is unfortunately extremely common nowadays. This lack of identity doesn’t mean the dreamer’s void of identity, rather they’re not walking in their own individual identity. We’re all designed to be unique individuals. That uniqueness is demonstrated by how you talk, how you walk, how you view the world, and so on. So much of your identity as an individual is lost when you seek to conform to the latest trend, or try and be like others in whatever way you think will help you fit in.
When unique individuals try to be something other than what they wee meant to be , they take on a false identity and most assuredly appear to have no reflection in a dream mirror.
Is It Bad to Look at Yourself in the Mirror in a Dream?
There’s a well known myth in the lucid dream community that bad things and and will happen if you see your reflection in a lucid dream. There’s lots of real world examples of this. The one that comes to mind as I’m writing this is the dreamer who saw their eyes spazzing out and spinning around their head really fast. Their face was also smashed as if it were glass.
Some lucid dreamers believe that things like this happen simply because someone the dreamer heard someone say you shouldn’t look into mirrors in a lucid dream. Other lucid dreamers swear by it and avoid their reflection at all costs. But is it really bad to look at yourself in the mirror in a dream?
Again, the answer depends on the context of the dream. Dream mirrors show a reflection of what’s inside the dreamer, therefore spazzing and spinning eyes and a face smashed by glass could be telling the dreamer some revealing things about themselves that if corrected, could cause the dreamer to become a better person. This can be true even if the dreamer is invisible and has no reflection at all.
Dark Dream Reflection
When such negative things happen in a dream, and there are a lot of shadowy and dark fear throughout the dream, then it is bad to look at yourself I the mirror. These negative dreams often accentuate the negative aspects of a person’s character, or configure a dream reflection that has nothing to do with a dreamer’s true identity. This is often what lucid nightmares are made of.
Many dreamers have told me about what they’ve seen in a mirror in dark, negative, even demonic dreams. Their reflection doesn’t resemble a human face, rather, dark demonic entities that are declaring their intensions of confirming the dreamer’s true identity to the identity of the demonic spirit they’ve allowed to have influence in their dreams. If you’ve had a dream such as this, it’s important to know that you don’t have to become what the evil spirit desires. You can most certainly say no by closing every door by which the demonic influence has gained access to your life. It may not be the easiest thing you’ve ever done, but you can take back your original identity and live to be the person you really are.
6 Responses
I have a dream seeing myself in a mirrored wall building while floating in the air. She’s a beautiful and powerful woman but before that. I traveled so fast that it almost stop the time (at first, i think I ride in a loward vehicle then I fly when I’m near in my destination). In my travel, I helped a guy to travel so I take him. (I cant remember the reason why). When I reached my destination (while floating) with the guy, i passed a mirrored wall tall building and I notice our reflection so that we slowly we turned back to it and looked our reflection. Looking at myself, she’s a beautiful and powerful woman. She stopped the time, fly and travel so fast. I also see the reflection of a guy realizing that I need him to leave there before I enter the portal (a time travel portal like we see in a movies) then I enter. In the first time I dream this. That was just until I amazed in my reflection. But this time, I already enter the portal and a lot of things happened. It seems like I have something to change in the past to create a better future. Uhhmm fyi. I’m a male.
I saw myself through my phone that had a black screen. Someone was in the back of me rubbing against me very close and I knew who it was but I didn’t look at their face. Then I realized I can see my face I tried to look like nothing was happening but I loved it
I had a dream last night where I was looking at myself in the mirror asking to see my aura. In my reflection my eyes turned black, like soulless eyes.and I had a sense of evil, but said,”No, I want to see my aura color!”, I saw myself with the black eyes again, and demanded to see my aura, then i saw my normal reflection with a green crown aura….then i woke up…
I had a dream where I was getting ready while looking in the mirror. My hair was a different color, I looked the same but prettier? I liked how my reflection looked, I even looked really excited and happy in the dream because of that.
I had the same dream twice, but was a different person each time. The first one I was a black man with a buzz cut, the second one I was a white guy with short blonde hair… I knew this because I saw my reflection as I passed a broken window.
I saw myself in a large bathroom mirror and had no face. No eyes, eyebrows, nose, ears, nothing but a small hole for my mouth. Like a nub. But I did have hair.