Unveiling Slenderman

There’s this phenomenon happening around the world that many of us haven’t heard about. There are more than a few videos on youtube chronicling this character terrorizing teenagers who’ve wandered out in the middle of the night to do what teenagers do without parental supervision. Others go into the woods to summon him. There are even videos outlining how to get this character to appear in your dreams.
Slenderman is a mythical creature popularized by internet urban legend. He’s very tall and thin and wears a black suit and tie. He’s got tentacles and no face. Oh yeah, and he likes to compel children to kill other children.
For those who know Slenderman, and perhaps have even had an experience with him, you’re aware that he’s a myth yet there’s in photographic and video evidence of his actual existence. But other urban legends have been documented in similar ways. Bigfoot, Chupacabra, and the Mothman come to mind.
But then there are the dreams.
Here’s a small sample of dreams people from different parts of the world are having.
I’m in a really dark room. Slenderman’s standing in front of me and I’ve got this foreboding feeling that he wants to do something really bad to me. The dream ends and I wake up in pain.
A separate dreamer, a girl, is somewhere with her family. Her sister asks her if she feels like there’s someone else there. The dreamer answers no. Her sister points to Slenderman and says “What about him?”
The same girl had another dream a few nights later. She was with a group of her friends in a dining hall and a teacher comes up to the and offers them chewing gum. At that point the dreamer knew there was something off. Then she has a strong urge to look out the window and when she does she sees Slenderman staring at her. This time she wakes up feeling sick to her stomach and has a really bad headache.
This same dreamer has a third dream some time later. Again, she’s with her friends doing something somewhere she doesn’t remember. she then reaches into her pocket where she finds a sharp knife and as soon as she touches the knife she has this strong feeling to stab her friends and she takes out the knife and kills them.
The girls in the video are not associated in any way with the dreamer. It is, however, important to note that the dreamer lives on the other side of the world from Wisconsin. Further evidence that this phenomenon has gone worldwide.
There are so many examples of dreams where Slenderman gets the upper hand in terrifying the dreamer, causing physical pain and attempting to get others to murder for him, that I thought I’d show you the flip side of the coin.
Yet another dreamer reports having a Slenderman encounter in a tent out in the woods. There wasn’t much to the dream as I understand it. Slenderman was inside a small tent with the dreamer and the dreamer’s grandmother shows up and kills Slenderman.
This dream not only deviates from most dreams with this character, but shows that there is hope. Slenderman does not always get his way. There is an answer to the terror, a way to rid such influences from our lives and in this case it can be found in the wisdom of past generations. This last dream doesn’t tell us exactly what that wisdom is, but the fact that an answer is provided, that Slenderman can indeed be killed in a dream, is encouraging in the least.
So now you know about Slenderman, and you know that evil thing can be defeated. Let’s spread the word.
Author’s note: I am always on the look out for Slenderman dreams. If you have one I’d like to take a look at it and pass along what I find to help others. Also, if you know someone who’s been tormented by Slenderman share this post with them.
Photo credit: Sơn Đào via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND