Unique Ways to Record Dreams

Okay, so I realized today that I’ve encouraged all you faithful blog readers to write down your dreams as soon as you have them so they are not lost, but I have failed to provide choices in the ways to do so.
Here are some unique ways to record your dreams.
Write down your dream in a square or spiral concentric circle. This is done by starting in the center of a page and turning the page as you write so your sentences move outward from the center of the page in the form of a circle. This forces your brain to think differently as you write and as you do more details of the dream will start coming back to you.
Draw your dream instead of writing it. Use stick figures if you have to to show the action of the dream. This method also jogs the memory a bit, and you often find yourself remembering more dream details.
Instead of writing the dream in story form, make a map of the dream by using key words and arrows to show the flow of the action. It will look something like this:
Car —–> Grocery Store ——> Produce aisle —–> dolly filled with boxes —–> spilled pomegranates on the floor.
For buffs of grammar, write out the dream like you diagram a sentence.
Writing dreams down in different methods allows you to remember more of what happened in the dream because it takes us out of a linear mindset and forces us to think subjectively. It brakes us of doing things in old routines and is much like a switch that keeps things fresh.
So try a new way of recording your next dream and comment on how the experience went.
Photo credit: Kaeru via Foter.com / CC BY