The Witch and the Table

I thought I’d share with you a simple classic dream I ran across about a year and a half ago. It was short and to the point, but terrified the dreamer and issued a stern warning.
The dreamer found himself in a place he described as a Hansel and Gretel house. He was being chased by a witch. This recurring dream always turned out the same. The dreamer was squared off against the witch on the other side of a large table. He stood there for a moment trying to figure out how to get away. He decided to try and make a run for it and always got caught by the witch. The dreamer wasn’t specific about when he had the recurring dream but it was in childhood and the dream always frightened him.
In order to determine what this dream means it’s imperative to understand who this dream is about. We only have two choices — the dreamer and the witch. So how do you figure out who this dream’s about? It easy, really. All you need to do is identify who or what is receiving the action in the dream. The only action is the dreamer being chased by the witch so the dream is about the dreamer.
But what does the witch mean? Witches are present everywhere. I’m thinking about so many television shows and movies that present the idea of a good witch and bad witch. It’s easy to figure out that if the witch in this dream is chasing the dreamer and instilling fear then she is a bad witch. What about the setting? A Hansel and Gretel house speaks of the fairytale house where the witch likes to put children in the oven and cook them. This setting is instantly terrifying for a child because the witch is a metaphor for something evil. Don’t get caught by the evil thing the dream seems to be saying.
I questioned the dreamer about his life after he had the terrifying dream experiences and everything seemed to be in order. He did not tell of an adolescence riddled with drug use or a number of other evil vices that can trap teenagers. I had to do a little digging, but when I asked the dreamer what his spiritual life was like after the dream his answer made complete sense. He told of being self-styled satanist — the darkest and most hopeless time of his life. Nothing speaks of evil more than the evil one. He’d been caught by the witch from his dream and didn’t even realize it. Thankfully, the dreamer was not involved in that lifestyle when I met him, but I told him it would be a good idea to start keeping track of his dreams. Once a person opens a door like that, it is very common for that door to remain open and draw darkness into it until it is closed for good.
How does one close the door to dark evil for good? There’s only one way. The dreamer would need to ask the brightest most pure Light to surround that door and cover it inside and out. He did and his life was never the same.
Photo credit: PfeifferPhotos via / CC BY-NC-ND