The Unsolvable Mystery

The Bermuda Triangle fascinated me when I was growing up. I can’t tell you how many short paperback books I read. One entitled The Bermuda Triangle by Charles Berlitz was one of my favorites. As I read that book I kept trying to figure out the mystery behind all the disappearing planes and ships. It was all about solving the mystery for me. Now that I’m an adult, it’s interesting for me to watch documentaries on the Bermuda Triangle. It has this whole other feel. The mystery still remains, but I get the feeling that the strange things that have been purported to have happened between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and the eastern coast of Florida remain a mystery for the sake of mystery. If the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is ever solved the people who are entertained by mystery will move on to Bigfoot or UFOs or one of a hundred other unsolved mysteries. It’s actually profitable to keep the mystery going.
Everyone loves a mystery. This is one of the primary reasons mystery is at the core of nearly every popular television and movie nowadays. Who’s the killer? Will the underdog become successful? Who will be eliminated on the newest reality show? Who will get to stay on the latest reality show and return next week? People choose to incorporate mystery in their lives on nearly a daily basis it’s very curious to me why most of those same people will choose to ignore the mystery presented in their dreams.
Before I go on I want to be clear about something. I believe every dream mystery has a solution. I believe this is true even if the solution has burrowed itself so deep beneath confusing dream symbols that it’s impossible to detect. You just have to know where to begin to start coaxing it out. And, of course, have a hearty dose of patience. There is a way to ensure the mystery of your dream is forever buried and has no chance to make it to the surface, and that’s when a dreamer isn’t completely honest with themselves.
Dreams are based on transparency and honesty. When a dreamer is unwilling or unable to be honest with themselves about where they currently are in life or numerous other things, it’s very difficult for the mystery to be solved; at least in the mind of the dreamer. When an individual is willing to be transparent and honest with themselves concerning their dream, they avoid the trap of allowing their dream to remain a mystery for mystery’s sake. Truth is, all that weird and fun imagery that shows up in our dreams can represent some very serious issues that need to be dealt with, and the idea that ‘it’d be fun to find out what my dream means’ can soon morph into a quite serious subject. At this point the dreamer has a choice to honestly hear what their dream is telling them or not. If they do honestly choose to hear what the dream is telling them, the interpretation becomes a call to action of sorts, and the dreamer then has to decide what to do with the information they’ve been given. If they don’t, the dream becomes an unsolved mystery of sorts. It’s not that it’s unsolved in the sense that the dreamer doesn’t understand the meaning of the dream, rather, the issues the dream was given to help resolve remain unsolved in the dreamer’s life.
There are many unsolved mysteries in life: Bigfoot, Ufos, if a tree falls and no one’s around does it make a sound? Perhaps the biggest unsolved mystery of all is what would your life look like if you were to actually act on what your dreams are showing you? No matter where you’re at in life, the mystery of your dream lived out in your daily life has the power to change both you and the world around you.