What Are Prophetic Dreams?

Precognitive dreams, also known as prophetic dreams, are dreams in which the dreamer is given information they have no way of knowing. A widely held belief about prophetic dreams is they are only characterized by precognition. Prophetic dreams carry so much more with them then the ability to predict the future. What’s not widely known is that prophetic dreams carry the weight of importance and destiny. A dreamer who speaks their prophetic dream aloud often experiences goosebumps or spine tingles because they are vocalizing destiny.
An example of this is a dream I recently heard from a dreamer. In the dream her brother got sick and died. She said the dream was so real that when she awoke there were tears streaming down her face. She reports laying in her bed wondering was it real or was it a dream? She felt a deep inner urge that it was a dream and that she should pray right then for her brother. She prayed and went back asleep.
The next morning as the dreamer was getting ready for class her mother called and told her that her brother had been on a deep woods camping trip when his appendix burst. He nearly died.
Car Wreck
A few years later the same dreamer had a dream that this same brother was driving his car through an intersection when a drunk driver ran a red light and collided with him. In this dream her brother was killed. She immediately thought of her first prophetic dream experience and got up and prayed for him. The following morning her brother was on his way to school and a drunk driver ran a red light and collided with his car. The car flipped over and, miraculously, he walked away without a scratch.
Both of these dreams are warning dreams. They are also prophetic. One of the questions I ask when I help someone understand their dreams is “Why was this dream given to this dreamer?” The answer to that question has to do with the dreamer’s response to her dreams. She did what she knew to do and prayed.
Why are these Warning Dreams Prophetic?
These dreams are prophetic because the dreamer is being given a “heads up” about what’s going on in her brother’s life. And they were right. If the brother’s waking life situations didn’t immediately connect with her dreams, they could connect at a later time. This was not the first time the dreamer experienced her seer gift and learned to trust it. A big clue to whether a dreamer has had a prophetic dream lies in their history of seeing things that have later unfolded before their eyes. Whether they dreamed it or not.
Another facet of prophetic dreams speaks encouragement, strength, and the voice of the divine into the dreamer’s heart. Many times these are the dreams that we don’t remember. I’ve woken up countless times from a dream that I didn’t remember anything about, only that I dreamed. I felt so good inside. I had no logical reason to feel this extra happy and encouraged except for the fact that I dreamed a prophetic message from the divine that had been written in disappearing ink upon my heart.
Not all prophetic dreams that impart encouragement and strength are hidden. In fact, this certain dream stood out in my mind as I was writing this blog post.
The Place Where Hope Lives
Here’s the dream.
In my dream I’m outside. It’s cloudy, raining and I’m looking at dead flowers. The landscape looks desolate but you could see that at one time it was very beautiful. I turn around and notice a bunch of mailboxes. I start walking toward the mailboxes and I notice that the name of the street is Hope street. I look up and see a rainbow.
End of dream.
This dream simply means that the dreamer is currently in a situation that is dry and desolate but it was once vibrant and full of life. The mailboxes represent a place where the dreamer receives messages, words that kindle hope. The rainbow represents a divine promise that the dreamer will experience a turn around in their situation. The life that used to be will return.
Prophetic Dreams are Limitless
At first glance this may not seem like a prophetic dream, or even a very good dream. The setting is rainy and bleak. However, the mailboxes lined up on hope street implies words and messages of divine hope. For centuries the rainbow has been a sign of divine promise, and this dream is communicating to the dreamer that the promise of hope is on the horizon.
Prophetic dreams are literally limitless in ways they can communicate to the dreamer. One of my favorites is when a dreamer finds themselves in a house or office building or an elevator that has glass walls. These types of settings are telling the dreamer they’re being shown something outside the realm they’re currently in and see further than they’re normally able to see. So if you find yourself in a setting with lots of glass and clarity to see over long distances, or up high into the heavens then it’s very likely you’re having a prophetic dream.
Pregnant with Gifts
Another important aspect of understanding dreams is to take note of the dreamer’s position in the dream. If you, as a dreamer, are observing things in the dream, especially other people, you very well may be having a prophetic dream that’s showing you things about someone else. Here’s an example.
I’m standing in a glass house that I know belongs to my sister and she is pregnant. I mean really pregnant like she can give birth at any time. I’m able to see into her belly and instead of seeing an infant child I see different aspects of the child’s life that I know are going to happen once it grows up. I’m excited and tell my sister about what I see just before I wake up.
Honor Prophetic Dreams
This is a highly prophetic dream. The dreamer is not only in her sister’s house that’s made of glass (ability of both the dreamer and her sister to see far outside their current situation) but the dreamer has additional insight by having the ability to see into her sister’s “life” so to speak. The baby in the dream does not represent a literal child but gifts and talents the dreamer’s sisters has yet to “give birth” to. The really great thing about this dream is that those gifts and talents are going to reach full maturity and extend beyond the life of the dreamer’s sister.
Prophetic dreams provide a glimpse into the future, but also communicate encouragement, strength and life as if breathed into your life like spiritual CPR by the Most High. Honor and make room for these types of dreams and they’ll be drawn to your dream life.