The Meaning of Water in Dreams

So I’ve been told quite a few dreams lately that had water in them. As I thought about this week’s blog post, I realized that i had not yet written a blog about water in dreams, so it’s about time, right?
Water has many forms, and and when water appears in dreams, the meaning of the dream can change depending on how water appears in your dream.
For example, if you’re walking down a path and suddenly water is flowing so deep you find yourself having to wade through it to keep moving. Water, in this context, is representative of something that slows you down and makes your walk harder. It’s much harder to walk through water when its knee deep than when its a few inches deep, for example. The deeper the water the harder it is to walk through.
Swimming through water is another matter entirely, especially when you’re able to breathe under water. Whenever I find myself swimming underwater and I just can’t hold my breath any longer and begin to breathe water, i always ask myself why don’t I do this more often?
It seems so natural to me to be able to breathe under water in dreams that i begin to want to do it all the time. That feeling is key. Water for me, in this instance, is representative of moving in the supernatural. The more I’m submerged under water and am able to breathe (which is a sign of a naturally supernatural lifestyle) the more I want to explore the supernatural in my waking life. In this context, the deeper I go under water and am able to breathe, the deeper I’m destined to go deeper in the supernatural.
What if you find yourself being overcome by an avalanche and start swimming through the snow? The same basic concept, but a very different meaning. In this context, snow sweeping a person away like this, is representative of being overwhelmed. Being able to swim through the snow and come out with your head above the snow means you’ll come out of it alright.
Rain is another form of water that appears in dreams. I once had a dream where I arrived in London while it was raining. In this context the rain represented life giving water that makes all things grow. Not long afterward, my requests to interpret dreams from people in England more than doubled.
All these examples, are just that, examples. Water in your dreams may appear in similar forms, but have completely different meanings. Remember, context is king.