My First Lucid Dream Experience

My First Lucid Dream Experience

Lucid Dream Experience
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Lucid Dreams have caused a lot of buzz around the internet these days. These dreams in which the dreamer has absolute control of their actions within a dream, fascinate the dreamers who have them and leave them wanting more.

Until recently, I observed lucid dreams from the outside. I have to admit I was a bit jealous of dreamers who recounted dreams of long hallways filled with doors on both sides. The dreamer was able to to pick a door and enter different dreams. He reported living an entire lifetime within one night. Each night he was able to choose a different dream by choosing a different door to enter. If he encountered something he didn’t like he’d just open a different door.

Being in Control

For years I’ve been hoping, praying for a lucid dream. When I finally had one it was quite different then I imagined. Like most, I was focused on having a dream where I wielded lucidity to go where I wanted and do as I pleased. I got to do just that in my dream. I soon discovered, however, that having absolute control in the dream world is just the beginning.

From the very start of our lives we’re engaged in taking control. It’s our right to be the master of ur own universe and have control over everything we can. As we grow up we’re able toasters more and more control over our lives, until we become adults and have absolute control over the time we go to bed, what we eat and the places we go.

Lucidity is About More Than Control

The grand illusion of control comes crashing down when its time to go out and get our first job. Each of us quickly discover just how little control we actually have. The hours our employer wants us to work, type of work, and the people we work with are all out of our control. Oh, the people we’ve worked with. We all have stories.

We become locked in the struggle to control things around us and it doesn’t always go well. Once we discover lucidity within our dreams, to have the opportunity to control things around us the way we want. When I had the chance to have absolute control of my dream that I wanted in my waking life, I discovered there was much more to dream lucidity than having absolute control.


Slice of Death — When the Grim Reaper Invades Your Dreams

Follow the link above to discover the meaning behind death dreams.

My Lucid Dream Experience

I’m riding in the passenger’s seat of my uncle Jerry’s pickup. It’s nighttime and he’s driving to his hose on a single lane dirt road. My mom’s in the backseat although the pickup has a small single cab.

My Uncle Jerry asks me for something from the visor. I pull it down and a wallet and a pair of glasses falls out. I hand him the items and flip the visor back up because I can’t see anything ahead of us. My uncle quickly reaches over and pulls the visor back down. Something else falls out and I catch it. When I flip the visor back up I notice my uncle’s driving his white pickup half on and half off the raised dirt road.

The Plunge into Lucidity

The next part happens super fast, one thing right after another.

The pickup comes to the end of the dirt road. There’s a small ramp like 1 foot high at the end of the road and we go over the ramp and flying into the back yard. I see an above ground pool and we crash into the pool going rather fast. I’m instantly engulfed in water. Everything else disappears.

Submerged within the water I think I better open my door and get out is I can make it to the surface of the water. As soon as I have that thought, my mom grabs me around my right wrist and begins pulling me through the water.

Ask and You Shall Receive

I’m suddenly out of the water and standing in a small amusement park. It’s nighttime and there’s a heavy layer of fog about forty feet above the entire park. There’s an old man in front of me and two younger kids on my left.  I instantly knew I was in the dream I asked for before I went to sleep. A black and white lucid dream. I start exclaiming “No way!”

Lucid. Now What?

Armed with the knowledge that I could do anything I wanted in this dream I began exploring the amusement park. I quickly realized there were very few people there. I’d seen the old man and tow younger people at the onset but they weren’t around anymore. there was a ferris wheel on one side of me and another ride I can’t remember across from it.

I turned around and saw empty walkways all around me. One path went off to the left, one to the right and one straight ahead. I took the path to the righting walked the direction of a a long carnival booths, one after another. As I walked I saw a woman walking next to me. She looked straight ahead as if determined to get somewhere. I stepped up to her and asked “Who are you? What do you represent?” She paid no attention to me and kept walking straight ahead.

My Lucid Self Grabbing Some Ice Cream

I then saw a little kiosk with a woman about twenty one years old engaged in conversation with a girl of about ten. They were standing a few feet away from an ice cream freezer, you know the kind at Baskin Robins with the big tubs of ice cream in them? These two girls appeared to be in the background of the dream and I wondered if I could interact with them.

I walked right up to them and  asked for some ice cream. The older of the two pointed to something right in front of me and seven or eight small ice cream cones appeared in front of me. Each one was topped with a scoop of ice cream out the size of a marble. I said “No, I want some ice cream out of the big tub” and reached my right hand around into the freezer and grabbed some ice cream with my bare hand as I looked her in the eye. She didn’t seem to notice. I turned around and walked back the way I came. I ate the ice cream in my hand, only the opposite hand was sticky.

I heard ice cream girl complain to the old man. She said something like “Why is he asking for ice cream out of the big bins when there was ice cream right in front of him?”

I’m standing at the intersection of the paths again and as I’m trying to decide which way to go I see this image in the foreground of my vision. I’m looking at a guy in a suit standing on checkered tile. The tile he’s standing on is the same design as his suit, white with little orange and yellow hamburgers all over.

I wake up. I look at the clock on my phone and I’ve only been asleep an hour. I start writing down my dream experience. It was over all too quickly.

What I discovered in My Lucid Experience

After writing out my lucid dream, I was kept awake by excitement. Once the excitement wore off, it felt as if an outside malevolent force kept disturbing my sleep throughout the rest of the night. I’m not entirely sure what was going on, but it made me want to tear apart my lucid dream experience and discover all it had to offer.

What immediately stood out to me about my experience was that I’d interacted with background characters, I was being taught about lucid dreams in this protected experience, and there was much more to to the lucid experience than what my thinking allowed.

Background Dream Characters

I’d never considered it possible to interact with what I considered background dream characters. I’d always assumed they were one dimensional filler like distant trees. Therefore, it wan’t necessary or possible to interact with them in any kind of way.

Confronting the woman on her way to somewhere else, demanding she tell me who she was and what she represented, was just one of the ways I tested the dream boundaries. I’d always wanted to do this because I’d often wondered if a dreamer could simply ask the identity of a person in their dream and have them surrender it. It never occurred to me that a dream character could choose not to tell me…as if she had a choice.


Carried Into Lucidity

One thing I’ve never considered before in respect to dreams is being escorted into a lucid dream. When I was riding shotgun in my uncle’s white pickup I was aware but not yet lucid. The feeling I had inside the dream was that I was riding along, better yet, being carried along to a specific destination. That destination was a lucid dream that I apparently needed to enter from my position in a non lucid dream in which I didn’t have control.

As I meditated on why I didn’t directly enter the lucid dream, it seemed plausible that I was being escorted into lucidity to be taught about the lucid experience. The idea of taking supplements or following specific steps to be able to have a lucid dream never really appealed to me. If I was going to have a lucid dream I wanted to be able to enter it naturally, without outside help. In doing so, it appears I garnered a kind of help I never realized I could have.

A Deeper Lucid Experience

These discoveries caused me to consider a couple possibilities that, again, had never occurred to me.

The first is that lucid control for the sake of control may not be the point of lucid dreams.

The second is that it seems as if the lucid dream would doesn’t happen randomly. There appears to be an order to things and specific principles that are at work, just as in non lucid dreams. Granted, this is only my first lucid dream. I hope to have many more by pursuing them with intentionality and purpose. The insights I’ve discovered with this one lucid experience stirs up hunger in me for more.

I’ve been convinced there’s much more to the lucid dream experience than what appears on the surface. A lucid dreaming dimension with an infinite number of discoveries to be made and an infinite number of dream worlds to experience.

EB                                       Up Next~~ Five Signs You’re A Lucid Dreamer

Photo by Broverlanding_Tacoma on / CC BY-NC

Photo by veyoung52 on / CC BY-NC-ND

Photo by <a href=””>Lynn Friedman</a> on <a href=”″></a> / <a href=””>CC BY-NC-ND</a>

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