The Ghost in your Dream

Dream study is quite a fascinating thing. Just when I think I have a handle on it the unexpected happens, and it is quite fitting with the Halloween season.
We all know that we have dreams, then we have DREAMS! The former is what you might consider your run-of-the-mill dream. It could run the gamut of short dreams, to medium, to multi scene. We don’t have many feelings when we wake up from them other than maybe a twinge of wonder. When meaning is extracted from a dream like this it’s usually telling us something we already know, or emphasizing something we’ve gone through the last couple of days. It’s may not be life-changing but it is certainly encouraging.
Then we have DREAMS! These may appear to be an average run-of-the-mill dream on the surface, but almost always there are strong feelings attached. These feelings can pick us up and carry us through the dream, or we can feel a surge of feeling as we come out of the dream. A uniquely strange experience, these type of dreams can often convey a feeling opposite to what we experienced in the dream. For example, you could be dreaming about your death and as you’re waking up you have this strangely liberating feeling working its way through your emotions. When closely examined, you may find that a dream that carries opposites of death and liberation is telling you that you could soon be free of a habit that seems like you’re dying when you’re forced to give it up but the end result is freeing you from the influence of a bad habit.
The bottom line is that we as dreamers are sometimes given the slightest hint that there is something profound going on below the surface of a dream.
But what about those times when we are oblivious to the both the workings within a dream and the hints that go with it? What about those times when we are seemingly guided by an invisible hand through the scenes of a dream and certain things begin to be highlighted that we may have never noticed before? Or maybe we have noticed certain symbols but have been troubled or confused by them. All of a sudden the answer comes to us in a flash, in an aha! moment and everything becomes so clear.
That, fellow dreamer, is The Ghost in your dream.
Many of you have heard me talk about the idea that dreams originate from outside the dreamer, and an idea of a Dreamgiver. If you’ve ever had the experience I’ve just described, you’re familiar with this extraordinary experience. If you have not, then isn’t it about time you had? But how can you determine if a dream is guided by that invisible hand of The Ghost or not? Let me share with you a secret. More dreams than you might expect are guided by that invisible hand and chances are you might have missed a few experiences by shrugging off a dream or two. But all is not lost.
What you do as you’re lying in bed before you drift off to sleep is sometimes just as important as what happens within a dream. If you drift off to sleep mindlessly you don’t know what you’re going to get when you start dreaming. If, however, you become intentional about your dreams it will increase your chances of experiencing The Ghost in your dreams.
I’m not talking about a ghost as you may traditionally think of, a disembodied spirit and all of that, but an architect of your dreams that is not visible to the naked eye. An architect whose presence can be felt in things way beyond just dreams. But dreams are a very good place to start.
When you’re drifting off to sleep tonight try bringing intention into the dreams you’re about to have. Simply ask the Dreamgiver to give you a Ghost inspired dream. This will not be just any dream given by just any ghost. Ask to be guided, even counseled while you are having the dream. Ask for lots of light and color. Most importantly of all, ask to recognize certain moments in the dreams you are about to have that are significant. Then ask for help remembering those moments when you wake up.
If you follow these simple things and become intentional about your dreams its only a matter of time until you will encounter The Ghost in your dreams. Don’t be surprised if this Ghost even makes an appearance.