The Ghost Behind Your Dream

When you’re dreaming tonight you’ll have a front-row seat. Whether you’re observing or you’re in the center of the action, you are actually there. You’re the only eye witness to what will happen in the movie that plays behind your closed eyes tonight.
Or are you?
Many are convinced that dreams play themselves out within the mind. Others are certain that dreams unfold within the heart. Whatever your position might be, I think we can all agree that dreams happen within the confines of our inner thoughts and in the privacy of our bedrooms.
I have to confess, I used to think that. The idea that we’re all alone in our dreams, that we’re the one and only eyewitness can be a comforting thought at times. Then I heard a woman tell of a near/after death experience that all but sent my overactive imagination into orbit.
This woman’s heart stopped while laying in bed late one night I don’t remember if she said she was sleeping or not. What I do remember is that she didn’t believe anything happened after death, so when she discovered this whole other dimension (her words) she expressed a desire to tell her husband that this other dimension existed, and she thought of a unique way of doing it.
Before I get into that, I’ve got to tell you that this woman and her husband lived in a very large apartment building. It’s also important to know that as soon as she left her physical body she wasn’t immediately transported to another place. She spent a short amount of time in her bedroom. I t was long enough for her to realize that it had become a very noisy place. She heard all sorts of conversations going on all at once. Then she realized those conversations were people’s dreams.
Hearing the conversation of her husband’s dream, she thought about entering his dream so she could tell him about it later and prove that this other dimension she was experiencing was real. But before she could act on the thought she was in another place.
I’ve heard quite a few near/after death experiences in my life, but I’ve never heard anyone say they could hear someone else’s dream in the dimension beyond. This one aspect of her experience stuck with me hours, even days after I first heard it. I kept thinking that if she could hear the dreams of others in the after death dimension that she never knew existed, then what other entities or beings have the same ability?
Whether you believe in God or not, whether you believe in ghosts, or angels or demons or none of it, I think it’s worth considering the possibility that there are outside influences to our dreams. In fact, in my contemplation, I kept arriving at the conclusion that there’s so much more to this dream realm that can’t even be learned in the longest of lifetimes.
So, fellow dreamer, I leave you with this:
What if the experiences we have when we sleep are called dreams for a reason? What if they can take us to places that are higher, more powerful and intensely more fascinating than anywhere we can go in out waking lives?
What if someone’s out there orchestrating your dreams?
What if there’s a Ghost behind the dream you have tonight? What if this was a good Ghost, one who wanted what’s best for you? One who could give you an amazing dream tonight?
What kind of dream would you ask for?
Ask wisely, for this request is nothing like rubbing a magic lamp and getting a small number of wishes. Dreams have the ability to change a dreamer’s life. They can show us much of what we need to discover in order to accomplish our life’s goals and dreams.
Again I ask. What kind of dream would you want from Someone who knew you better than anyone else? Would you, could you, dare to believe that it’s possible to ask the Ghost for a significant dream tonight? Ask for a dream full of light, color, and truth for your life?
Dare to believe and fill us all in on what happens in the comments below.
Photo credit: ShanePix via / CC BY-NC-ND