Spiritual Journey Dream

I’ve noticed there are several themes that show up consistently in people’s dreams. One of these themes is fear. Another is relationships. Still another is the theme I keep seeing in dreams from people all over the world is spirituality. One thing I find fascinating about dreams that speak of spirituality is that everyone seems to have them.
So what does spirituality in a dream look like? Well, as you might guess, dreams about spirituality are as unique as the dreamer. Truth is, dreams that speak of spirituality can look like anything but. A recent dream I had a hand in interpreting is a great example of spirituality hidden in a dream.
The Dreams:
I have a series of dreams about houses. The houses are mine, but I’ve never seen them in my waking life. In the first dream I’m on the ground floor of the house. It’s very clean and very fancy, just like a mansion. I go up the fancy staircase to the second floor and its just as clean but less fancy. I go up to the third floor and its just as clean but less fancy than the first and second floors. The fourth floor is clean but it has no furniture. The fifth floor is unfurnished.
In the second dream I go from floor to floor to floor and this time I make it to the attic. Its full of stuff and there’s this mysterious presence in there. I hear a noise that’s a little unsettling.
As the dreams progress I go through the levels and they are just like before.When I make it up to the attic I hear more unsettling noises and the presence is still there.I walk around and find ore rooms there were before. There are colored rooms and a workshop. The next few times the house gets bigger with more rooms, and I even find my way outside to a rustic apartment complex.
When I found myself in the dream one of the last times, I finally saw a boy about eight to ten years old in the attic. He’s the one whose been working the noises all along. He follows me out of the attic into a garden. I knew his name was David.
End of dream.
In this dream the house represents the dreamer’s spiritual life. It’s a beautiful thing built on cleanliness. It’s made up of several different floors which mean that the dreamer has been building their spiritual life for quite a number of years. The extra rooms that the dreamer keeps finding every time she dreams is representative of a growing life of spirituality. The noises in the attic are symbolic of a someone invisible in the high place. You may not see anyone but you definitely hear and feel them. The boy the dreamer sees who is named David and follows her into the garden speaks of a relationship of beloved intimacy.
The dreams are such a beautiful allegory of the dreamer’s spiritual life that show life and growth. Quite unexpected from a series of dreams about a house.
What dreams have you had that might be cloaking the story of your spiritual journey? Share in the comments below.
Photo credit: chefranden via Foter.com / CC BY