So You’re a Lucid Dreamer, Now What?

If you’re a lucid dreamer this blog is for you!
I was once sitting with a guy I randomly met at a coffee shop. I don’t remember much of the conversation, to be honest, but it revolved around lucid dreaming. But I can clearly remember something he said about how it was impossible to switch off lights in dreams. If the lights are on and you can’t switch them off, then you’re probably dreaming.
Anyway, I was about to leave when he said some kind of foreign phrase. Confused as I was, I asked about what it meant and he admitted he never truly figured it out. It was something that a dream character of his would usually whisper in his ear. So I headed out the door and noticed the light switch and had this desire to switch it off. As I tried to it wouldn’t switch off. I looked back at the guy I was conversing with and he’d vanished.
I then realized I was in a dream.
As I stepped out of the coffee shop I noticed that all of my senses had fully enhanced on a universal scale. I stared at the sky, which was picturesque and I could feel my whole body being lifted. I was finally flying. When I awoke that day I was left with the feeling of bubbling joy that lasted for a week.
The Dreamer
I found this account of a lucid dream online, shared by dreamer Habiba Awada. She’s got a process of determining when she’s in a lucid dream called a reality check. She checks the time or looks at herself in the mirror to determine whether she’s dreaming or not. She’s figured out that dream clocks and dream mirrors do wonky things. She tells how she’s conditioned herself to make a habit of checking clocks and mirrors in real life. This way it becomes second nature and she’ll do it while she’s dreaming.
Habiba’s experience with lucid dreams was very interesting to me because she’s learned to use it to help her in overcoming both her fear of lizards and her nightmares where lizards are tormenting her. Lucid dreams helped her discover that she has more power than she thought. In turn she’s become a happier person.
Another dreamer I’ve found online is a guy by the name of Robert Waggoner whose had lucid dreams most of his life. Like Habiba, he’s also been able to harness the power of lucid dreams to help him overcome different fears and aid in his personal psychological development. He’s chronicled his lucid dreaming experiences in a book and he’s constantly pushing the limits of his lucid dreams.
Making the Most of Lucid Dreams
One particular thing that fascinated me about Robert Waggoner lucid dream journey is how his stance on dreams seemed to change. Early on he makes references about how “lucid dreams” provide for certain impossible things to happen, and how his “dreaming mind picks up on different things in his waking life and provides for them to happen” in his lucid dreams. Then things changed. After he’d been lucid dreaming for a decade or more he decided to become intentional and ask different dream characters what they represent. In doing this he discovered that instead of the dream character answering his question, it was answered from a disembodied voice. He came to call it an “inner certainty” and a he tested it out discovered it as his inner advisor. He describes it as “having a wise old man inside”.
What Happened Next
Before he knew it, his lucid dream experiences began to go deeper and move him beyond where he’s ever been before. He began to ask questions within the dream and got answers and soon came to call that which answered him “the awareness behind the dream”. Well, as interesting as his journey was, I had to stop and consider just what he was eluding to with talk about “inner certainty” and “the awareness behind the dream”. From where I’m standing it seemed as if he was saying that he was soliciting help from an unknown source. Not once did he question what “the awareness” behind the dream was. Was it friend or foe? What was its origin? Why did it seem to be so eager to help him?
These are only two cases of lucid dreamers that I’ve come across in my exploration of lucidity in dreams. I’ve met lots of people who have lucid dreams and one thing they all agree on is that they love the ability to control what happens. If they don’t like what is happening in a dream they just change it. Here’s something else I’ve noticed. Dreamers get direction and help from an outside source. So there doesn’t seem to be any room for these two particular dreamers to receive a course correction.
A Note of Caution
Here’s what I mean. When you allow correction to be spoken into your life it can be uncomfortable. It seems that lucid dreamers get into the habit of changing things within their dreams that makes them uncomfortable. If correction would appear in a dream they’d simply change the circumstance and move on.
Another thing I’ve noticed is no one is questioning who is answering them in these lucid dreams, as in the case above. Not once did Robert Waggoner describe asking who was behind the wisdom or where all this wisdom was coming from, he simply assumed that he’d tapped into something unknown within himself.
So then, to answer the question “So you’re a lucid dreamer, now what?”. If you’re a lucid dreamer and you’re having similar experiences that are leading you to “wisdom” it would do you good to ask what the origin of this wisdom is. Another good question is “Why should I trust this wisdom?”. We’ve all had life experiences where we’ve applied our own wisdom and have made wrong decisions. What would make the wisdom you’re hearing within a lucid dream the right wisdom for you?
The Importance of Resonance
I’ve discovered many helpful things to help me know the source of my dreams and whether I can trust them. One is the resonance. Once I’ve got an answer to a dream I’ve had I know it’s true because a resonance appears deep inside. It’s kinda like the last piece of a puzzle being added. It doesn’t need to be forced, it fits into place just right.
Another helpful thing is that I’m constantly being intentional about my dreams. Instead of just asking questions to the universe I ask specific questions to God for specific life situations. It’s hard to explain how i know I have the right answer in this, other to say when God answers there’s resonance multiplied. It takes some practice and a history of being intentional, but it is absolutely possible to know that you’re receiving information and direction from a trusted and reliable source.
Lastly, look for your lucid dreams to take you to a deeper place. A place of healing, a place of peace. For anyone whose had lucid nightmares I don’t need to tell you about the lack of peace involved. Instead of simply telling the monster in your dream to go away (which I am all for doing), ask Light and Light to fill your dream space. Where there’s dark shadows ask for light and color to overcome the darkness and change a terrifying nightmare into an experience that just might possibly be able to point you to your destiny.
Here’s What’s Next ~ The Lucid Heart