What A Snake Dream Means

Dreams about snakes are one of the most common dreams every dreamer has had. Everyone has a snake appear in their dreams at one time or another. But what exactly does dreaming about a snake mean?
Snakes mean lies in dreams. A dream with a lot of snakes under the floor boards of a house, for example, means a foundation of deception. The type of snake and its characteristics have a lot to do with the meaning of your specific dream.
Now, here’s what no one else will tell you about your snake dream. All those other websites can’t accurately tell you what a snake dream means because their dream model has not been proven over centuries. From ancient times snakes appeared in dreams and they’ve not only figured out what snakes actually mean, but the ancients have staked their lives on it.
The other dream models have not been documented to have saved any lives.
What Individual Dream Snakes Mean
Some types of cobras spit their venom with a nearly perfect aim. If this happens in your dream it means a lie is trying to blind your vision; most likely spiritual vision.
Rattlesnakes give a warning by rattling their tails. They also inject venom that paralyzes muscles. When you see a rattlesnake in a dream it means it’s a warning of a lie designed to paralyze muscles you need to use to accomplish certain tasks in your life. If a rattlesnake bits your foot or leg it means paralyzed walk. If it bites your hand it means a lie designed to paralyze something you do with your hands such as work
Check out the interpretation of this rattlesnake dream!
Unveiling the meaning of a snake
In order to understand what at the snake you dreamed about means, it’s helpful to see how snake dreams are interpreted. It’s also important to note the context of the dream. Dreamers have told me thousands of dreams and I’ve rarely seen snakes represent something positive in a dream. That said, positive snake symbols in dreams isn’t unheard of.
I’ll interpret a snake dreams in which the symbol has a negative meaning then I’ll interpret a dream where the snake symbols are positive. This will give you a better idea which applies to the dream you had.
Baby Snake Dream
In my dream last night I was trying to breastfeed a hungry infant. At some point the baby turns into a baby snake. I’m trying to latch it on but its mouth is too small. Eventually I express milk for it to drink and it eventually latches on. After awhile I try and pull it off but I can’t. Its hold is too strong and it hurts. When I look down at it there is another baby snake latched onto the first baby snake that is feeding on me. I begin to freak out a bit because I realize there is no way of pulling the snake off without injuring myself.
Interpretation of Baby Snake Dream
You’ll notice that the dream begins with the dreamer trying to breastfeed a hungry infant. Then the infant turns into a baby snake. Okay, so no woman in her right mind would pick up a baby snake and attempt to nurse it. If, however, the snake appears to be something good, a baby human, then the dreamer would think she’s helping out an infant in need.
This is the first sign that the baby snake in this dream means a lie. It deceives her in order to draw nourishment from her.
There’s a Problem Here
The woman in the dream uses some very interesting language to describe what happens next. She says “I’m trying to latch it on but its mouth is too small.” This is very telling. Although she can plainly see what she is holding is not a human infant, she is still trying to nourish it. This means she sees the lie as something she needs to feed. See sees it as truth. The metaphorical imagery here is quite something. It’s obvious a baby snake cannot nurse from a human but she somehow finds a way to make it work.
Once the baby snake “latches on” it’s literally impossible for the dreamer to get it off without hurting herself. Then one baby snake turns into two baby snakes. The small lie is impossible to remove and its multiplied. This means that once the dreamer finds a way to feed, or nourish, the small lie she cannot get rid of it. Isn’t that just like a lie? Once a lie is told it can never be untold. Telling even a small “baby” lie sets things into motion that causes the lie to be nourished, grow and multiply.
What it means to Shoot Snakes
Dream and Interpretation
In my dream I’m standing next to a lake shooting small rattlesnakes. I’m having great fun in the dream because I know I have to get rid of the snakes and my shotgun is doing a fantastic job of it. I go on shooting the rattlesnakes for a few minutes and then I see the huge head of a cobra begin to rise out of the water and tower above me. I know that my shotgun is not going to be enough to take this huge snake down.
Interpretation of Shooting Snakes Dream
This dream may not seem very positive but it is. The dreamer is equipped with the right weapon to destroy the lies within his life. This is figurative language for the ability of the dreamer to recognize lies within his life and get rid of them. Then the huge head of a cobra begins to rise. This is still a good dream. Why? Because although the dreamer has a much larger enemy to face he recognizes that his current weapon won’t cut it. It’s understood from the beginning of the dream that the dreamer knows how to get ahold of weapons. He got ahold of a shotgun to get rid of small snakes. The dream suggests the dreamer will know how to get a much larger weapon to be able to handle the much larger enemy.
What Does This Mean for Your Snake Dream?
So what exactly does all of this mean? How can it help you with the snake dream you’ve had? As we’ve seen from the two dreams in this blog, the dreamer’s actions make a big difference in the meaning of the dream. So then, ask yourself Where am I in the dream and what am I doing? Are you helping to nourish the lie or are you taking steps to destroy lies?
Another thing you can do to help you figure out your own snake dream is to take note of your emotions. Are you afraid? Do you feel a sense of accomplishment or satisfaction? A dreamer’s emotions are a very good indicator to whether your dream is positive or negative. If your dream is filled with shadows and fear, the symbols in your dream are negative, including the snake.
How Do You Know Your Snake Means a Lie?
So how do you know the snake in your dream means a lie? The answer is that you don’t always know, but you can test it out. Start with the idea that the snake in your dream means a lie and then plug it in and see what happens. In the two dreams I shared here it makes perfect sense that the dreamer in the first dream was nursing a lie. Nothing else makes sense. The same for the second dream. Having the weapon to destroy small lies is not the same weapon you would use to destroy a huge lie. The dream interpretations resonated with the dreamer. When I told the dreamers that their dream snakes meant lies and they said “Yeah, that makes sense.” that’s the best proof.
One Response
I was in a battle it was extremely demanding and deadly. I could see the enemy looking for me and I had no weapons. I happen to come across a pit bull of black vipers. I made weapons out of them attaching them to branches, sticks/poles, any object that could hold the viper yet, the viper still had enough room to strike. I would get close enough to move the stick/pole next to the enemy where the viper would strike or lead them into the areas I place the vipers on branches. The enemy’s death was painful and horrible. Later I found myself on a beautiful beach.