Slow Motion Dreams

I used to have dreams about running in slow motion when I was a kid. Running as hard as I could but barely moving was such a weird feeling. I was confused about what it meant all those years ago, and nothing I could come up with made any logical sense.I’ve learned some things about dreams since then and I can’t wait to share the meaning of slow motion dreams with you.
When you move in slow motion in your dreams it simply means you’re inhibited in moving forward in some way. Legs typically symbolize a walk in your life; professional walk, personal walk, spiritual walk. There are many variations of slow motion movement and what each of them means. These specific meanings can be decoded by who else is present and what else is happening. Let’s first cover the basics of slow motion movement.
A Slowed Down Walk
When you have a dream about running in slow motion it means that your legs are inhibited in some way. In dreams, legs very often symbolize your walk in life. When legs don’t work the way you need them to work in dreams the dream is speaking to you about something in your life that’s keeping you from moving forward.
What My Childhood Slow Motion Dreams Meant
I revisited my childhood slow motion dreams once I knew what to do with them and discovered that I was being chased by something in every one of those dreams. I never turned around to take a look at what was chasing me, but I know I had these dreams at times when I had lots of school work due or there was a big test the next morning. They simple meant this: the deadline to perform was chasing me down and my lifestyle of being inadequately prepared for those deadlines was threatening to catch up to me.
Not Having Legs
A variation of slow motion dreams is when a dreamer finds their legs missing. In talking to dreamers I found one who spoke of multiple dreams in which they couldn’t locate their legs. They dreamt this so much that that they got into the habit of reaching down to feel their legs to tell if they were dreaming or not. But what does this mean?
Not having legs in your dream simply means that you’re missing something vital to be able to walk out your life successfully; to move forward. Once this something is identified and corrected, the slow motion dreams will stop.
Other Slow Motion Movement
But what if you find yourself moving in slow motion in other ways? Talking in slow motion? Flying in slow motion? Driving in slow motion? Working in slow motion?
Talking in slow motion means that you’re only able to communicate a portion of what you intend to. Flying or swimming in slow motion simply means there’s something inhibiting your movement through spiritual things. Driving in slow motion means somethings inhibiting forward motion in your career or calling. Working in slow motion means that something is keeping you from being productive or from completing a task.
Pay Attention to Slow Motion Dreams
All dreams are important and you should really be keeping track of them in a dream journal of some kind. Slow motion dreams, however, can communicate some very important things that you need to know to improve how you move forward through life.
A good start is to share a slow motion dream you’ve had in the comments and get the conversation started!
Photo by John St John Photography on / CC BY-NC-ND
Photo by B Tal on / CC BY-NC
Photo by <a href=”″>gaspi *yg</a> on <a href=”″></a> / <a href=””>CC BY-NC-ND</a>