Seven Dream Catagories

With everything to remember when it comes to extracting meaning from dreams, categorizing each dream is a crucial step in answering the question — Why was this dream given to this specific dreamer?
It’s the most crucial question in dream interpretation.
Truth is, if you know everyting about a dream — the context, the meaning of the symbols in the dream, even the subtle underlying threads neatly tying the emotions to the interpretation, the weight of the importance of the dream could very well be lost if that most crucial question is not answered. And that question cannot be answered unless the category of the dream is known.
Here is a sample — seven dream categories:
Invention Dreams — These are dreams introducing things or ways of doing things that have yet to be discovered. The sewing machine, the theory of relativity, and Handle’s Messiah all would not exist today if it were not for invention dreams. These dreams also provide everyday solutions to problems that have at times plagued the dreamer for years.
Chemical Dreams — This category is defined by dreams resulting from coming down from a high from alcohol or drugs of any kind. Since both alcohol and drugs tend to quench the supernatural – the birth place of dreams, the dreams induced by drugs and alcohol tend to result in a sort of false dream.
Body Dreams — These dreams are caused by the body. They are often the result of viral infections or other sickness surging through the body. They can also be the result of a child’s dreams mixing with the mother’s around the fifth month of pregnancy.
Warning Dreams — These are dreams that warn the dreamer about impending accidents, or difficult times in life. Many of these dreams are warnings not to do something the dreamer is planning to do, or go somewhere the dreamer is planning to go. They can vary in as many different ways as the decisions we face.
Self Condition Dreams — These are dreams that tell us where we stand with a variety of issues. They give us insight into areas we need to address. These dreams often come to us over and over as recurring dreams if the dreamer doesn’t understand what they are being shown or if they refuse to deal with the issues the dreams are presenting.
Fear Dreams — These dreams reveal fear the dreamer has. The purpose of this is much more than simply frightening the dreamer, it’s revealing fears the dreamer may or may not know they have for the purpose of dealing with the fear. Fear dreams can be the source of some nightmares where the fear is greatly exaggerated in order to draw our attention to a fear problem.
Calling Dreams — This category is by far my favorite of all the dream categories. When someone has a calling dream they are being shown their life purpose either in part or in full. Calling dreams can be a little tricky. They can easily slip through our fingers if we’re not careful. Although they often carry the answer to questions we may have been asking for years, perhaps decades, they can appear as any other dream. the key to identifying calling dreams is the weight of responsibility that often accompany them.
Do you remember having a dream from one of these seven categories? Share it in the comments below.
Photo credit: drp via / CC BY-NC-ND