Ravenous Dinosaurs

We’ve all been in a place in life where we’ve felt like we just couldn’t take it anymore. This was the case for the dreamer who dreamed about ravenous dinosaurs. Although the dream was filled with dark terror, it provided the impetus to change her life.
Here’s the dream.
I was in a huge house with my family and a whole bunch of others. It was mostly dark but there were pockets of light all around the house and cupboards with white fronts. There were dinosaurs of every imaginable type in the house with us. They’d get hungry and rise up and devour people in the house. We’d all hide from them in the cupboards. I remember hiding and trembling with fear because we all knew that someone would be picked off. Then, after the dinosaurs had their fill they’d leave.
I suddenly found myself in a place where I couldn’t stand living like this anymore. I couldn’t hide in fear as others were picked off by these dinosaurs. I didn’t know what to do. I just wanted it to end.
The only way I saw to deal with the situation was to gather my courage and leave this place. We couldn’t be satisfied in living in this place anymore. I remember telling the others “Anyone who wants to leave this place, let’s go. Let’s not stay here and live with this.”
A whole bunch of people including my family took courage and walked out the front door with me. To our amazement we walked out into the brightest sunshine. The air was so fresh and the sky so blue, bluer than I’d ever seen in my life. I kept wondering why didn’t we do this before?
The dinosaurs never threatened us again.
This is a great example of a dream that’s filled with dark terror for the dreamer, yet it’s incredible because it provides the answer. Think about that for a second. This dream presents a terrible problem and doesn’t just provide an answer, it provides the answer. Incredible.
The huge house in this dream represents a community the dreamer’s involved in, most likely a spiritual community. We know this because the dreamer is with her family and everyone hides in cupboards with white fronts, which is representative of a righteous hiding place.
The dinosaur attack represents bestial encounters where people are being devoured. The fact that the dinosaurs and people are all inside the house speaks of the fact that the people in this community are content with letting things like this happen.
Passion ultimately motivates the dreamer to find a way out. This not only speaks of helping others leave where their at to find fullness of life, but speaks of the dreamer’s leadership skills as well.
I absolutely love this dream! It not only speaks life and hope into the dreamer’s life situation, but into the life situations of her community. there is an answer if only they will walk out the door and leave the hopeless and fearful life they’re living.
This dream also speaks to you, dear dreamer. You do not have to just be content with destruction in your life, you too can walk out the door and find a fulness of life that you never knew existed.
Photo credit: <a href=”http://foter.com/re/54d69c”>Foter.com</a>