Poop Dream

Poop Dream

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If there’s one dream people are a bit hesitant to talk about it’s a poop dream. So many dreamers don’t understand the meaning of poop in their dreams because of their reluctance to openly talk about this awkward topic. Not to worry, I’ve done the work and had the uncomfortable conversations so you don’t have to.

Getting Rid of Toxins

In this blog I’m throwing caution to the wind to bring clarity and understanding to this uncomfortable topic. When you dream you are pooping it means you are getting rid of toxins in your life. It’s all too common to encounter toxic people and their toxic speech, and toxic situations. Pooping in your dream is simply a metaphor for ridding yourself of these toxins.

Bathroom Dreams

Poop dreams have many forms. One of the most frustrating is needing a toilet and not being able to find one. The most basic meaning of this dream dilemma is you need to get rid of toxins but there’s no place to do it. This situation takes on more meaning depending on where you’re seeking out a toilet.

No Toilet at Home No Toilet at Work No Toilet at Church No Toilet at School
No place to detox in a family setting No place to detox in your work setting You can’t detox in this place of spirituality Your education cannot help you detox

Once you awaken from this type of dream its time to take note of as much detail as possible in your dream journal. The more detail you’re able to remember the more meaning you’ll be able to get from the dream. For instance, you have dreams of different locations where friends or family members are occupying toilets. You can’t find a toilet in that scenario it means there’s no room for you to detox where they are detoxing.

Another scenario I’ve seen in a poop dream is needing to go but there is no bathroom. This means wherever you’re at it’s not designed for anyone to detox. Another scenario is there’s a toilet, no one else is using it, but it’s filled with poop. Utterly disgusting. If the toilet needs to be cleaned the dream is communicating that the place you are trying to get rid of toxins needs to be detoxed before you can go.

Then there’s the overflowing toilet.

Here’s an interesting overflowing toilet dream.

Little from sitting on toilet

I’m in a bathroom with a couple of other women and needing to go bad. I’m needing to go so bad that I’m willing to sit on the toilet with the two women in the room. When I go to do that I see the toilet is overflowing all over the place and the two women suddenly start tearing the flesh off my arms and begin eating it. That terrifies me.

End of Dream

The woman who shared the dream was quite disturbed by it, yet it carries an important meaning. It means the dreamer has a fear that if those close to her know that she’s needing to go through detox, they will not accept her. In fact, she’s afraid they’ll use the knowledge against her; cannibalize her.

Using a Toilet in Public

There are a lot of different variations of feces dreams and they all have specific meanings. For example, if you’re pooping in a public toilet  it simply means that your detox is going to be highly visible. On the other hand, if you really need to pee and you walk into the bathroom and there are no available toilets, it’s representative of no place to go. The setting in the dream is important. If you’re in a counseling center where you’re engaging with a therapist or counselor, the dream is telling you that you cannot get inner healing in this environment.

Bathroom Dreams

  Poop dreams fall into the category of bathroom dreams. A bathroom, after all, is a place you go to get clean. If the bathroom sink and toilet are dirty then you’re not in the right place to get clean. If you encounter an overflowing toilet it simply means that wherever you’re trying to rid yourself of toxins there’s no system to remove the stuff.  Which reminds me of a dream I once heard.

  The dreamer went into a bathroom in which she encountered an overflowing toilet. When she turned to leave, two of her family members pushed their way into the bathroom and started grabbing at the flesh of her arms, and when they did her skin started to come off and they began eating it. Now, this sounds like the stuff nightmares are made of, but these dream images are communicating a very important message to the dreamer. There’s a fear in the dreamer that if those close to her know about the toxins she’s trying to rid herself of that they will not accept her and end up cannibalizing her. If she gets detoxed in front of them the fear is that they will use it against her.

  So, as unlikely as it seems, when poop and other bathroom functions appear in your dream, it’s just as important to pay attention to the dream.


  Most people would be reluctant to share a dream where poop takes over an entire public bathroom. In fact, it’s hard to believe that anyone would share such a disgusting dream with anyone, but believe it or not, I found such a dream on a woman’s vlog. On the internet. For everyone to see! While sharing the dream she repeatedly makes statements that suggest she believes that this dream has no meaning she just wants others to suffer from hearing it.

  Too bad. This poopocalypse dream is a very important one to understand. So I share this dream with you not to gross you out with a disgusting dream, but to make the point that no dream should be ignored.

 Poop Dream

Here’s the dream:

  The dreamer’s in an airport with some friends waiting to catch a flight to go somewhere. She’s got to use the bathroom and her and her friends agree that she has enough time for a quick trip to the bathroom. When she gets to the bathroom and opens a stall the toilet has pee in it and she moves on to the next stall. As she goes from stall to stall they get progressively dirtier and dirtier and suddenly she’s out of places to go. More people come into the bathroom and she notices that there is so much excrement all over the bathroom floors that they are walking through it, and oh, by the way, none of them are wearing shoes. They are all in their bare feet! Her urge to pee gets so strong that finally, she decides to go in the middle of the dirty bathroom floor. Then she notices that she’s not wearing shoes either. She gets completely disgusted and walks out into the airport. Everyone who was in the bathroom are leaving their poop tracks behind them as they go their way. It’s a literal poopocalypse.

End of Dream

The Interpretation of Poopocalypse

The dreamer mentioned waking up right after having this dream and not being able to go back to sleep, which is a sign of the importance of this dream. Let’s break down the dream into its simplest parts and uncover the message this dream is telling her.

The setting of this dream is an airport. Walking through an airport on your way to catch a flight signifies that she’s in the last steps of taking off to go somewhere. It’s a launching pad to a higher place. She needs to get rid of toxins before taking off and heads to the bathroom. Problem is, there’s no clean place to go, and things just get worse from there.

Yuck! No Shoes! In a Poop Dream!

So this is the part of the dream that gets really telling. There’s no place for the dreamer to get rid of what’s toxic to her in this public bathroom, and not only that, her need is great and it’s starting to become an emergency. This bathroom she’s in has all the right things for her to get the job accomplished, but it’s not clean. The toxins of others are everywhere and, frankly, she’s grossed out. Still, she has a desperate need. She relieves herself in that filthy place and in the process she gets the toxins of others on her bare feet.

The lack of shoes often symbolizes the lack of peace. Everyone in the bathroom around her does not have peace and neither does she. Not an ideal situation to get toxins out of you, but she has no other choice.

The Application of The Poopocalypse Dream

The real-life application of the dream is for the dreamer to find a place that’s clean to get rid of what’s toxic to her life. This could be toxic emotions or a number of other things that have the potential to toxify life. The message here is what she’s doing is not working. She needs to find a clean place to get rid of things before she can catch a flight to the next place. Did you notice that the potential to travel was only offered at the beginning of the dream and not at the end? She never makes it to the gate to catch her flight. She needs to take care of things that are toxic to her before she can move on.

When Bathrooms Have No Toilets

As you’re seeking a bathroom to relieve yourself in, you may find one and walk in to discover there are no toilets. This means the place you’re seeking to detoxify is not equipped to do it. Additionally, if there are no sinks and no bathtub or shower, this means that this certain place is not equipped to help anyone with their cleansing. There’s literally no place to go.

How to Decipher Your Own Poop Dream

In order to decipher the dream meaning of feces, you must first understand that the dreams are based on the principle of simplicity. Reduce the dream and each individual dream symbol to their most basic meaning, and you have the basic meaning of the dream.

Let’s say you have a dream in which you wake up in your bed and its got feces in it and you can’t go back to sleep. The most basic meaning of feces is toxins and the most basic meaning of a bed is a place of rest. This dream means toxins are keeping you from getting rest or being at rest.

Another dream scenario might be that you’re sitting on a toilet and you can’t go. You try and try but your toxins just won’t come out. This means you have an internal problem/blockage that keeps you from being detoxified. The blockage you’re experiencing is originating from inside of you. Therefore, something internal to you is keeping you from detoxifying and getting inner healing.

Why not try to remember a few of your other dreams and apply this principle of simplicity? You never know what you might find.

EB.                                             Next Up —> The Last Word on Poop Period!

                                                      Check out this Dream Bible Article!

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4 Responses

  1. Mimi Rivers says:

    Hi I’m scared of this dream. I was with people I don’t know, but they looked friendly Suddenly I needed to go to poop, and there was no bathrooms nearby. I don’t remember how , but I put it into a bag and left it close to room that’s near. I saw two girls going to the same room and saw the bag !! They were disgusted and yelling looking at me like they knew it was me who left it there.. wanted to die from shame .

  2. Carl Robe says:

    Hello I am a regular poop dreamer. Thank you for this article (I like the frog images). I found this by searching up “poop dreams.”

    Often times I find myself needing to poop in a dream, urgently rushing to find a bathroom, but then straining to make the poop come out. In a recent dream it was a school bathroom, and, embarrassingly, school students were there looking at me while I was on the toilet. But (to my bewilderment) they were also encouraging me through my strained poop, saying things like “we believe in you, it’s okay.” When I have these dreams it universally ends the same way which is me waking up to find I’ve been straining to poop in what was only a dream, grabbing my butt in horror, and being extremely scared that I accidentally pooped the bed. Then I run to the bathroom in real life and wipe my butt just in case. I’m glad to know these dreams actually mean that I’ll soon be rid of the toxic fake people in my life.

  3. Varvara G. says:

    i had a dream . i saw that i ate poop from a plate. what does it mean?

  4. Katherine says:

    Yay poop November!

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