Unravel Dream Mysteries

A place to find Real Answers for what you dream

Terrified by the Faceless in Dreams, Here’s the Meaning

Encountering the faceless in a dream can be one of the most terrifying dream experiences you can have. Especially if you’re the one without a face! You’re here because you’ve encountered a faceless person in a dream and you’re looking for answers. I’ve coached hundreds of dreamers in their search for the meaning of the…
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Creativity and Dreams

Being a creative person, I’ve often wondered if my creativity has anything to do with my dream life.  It makes sense that it would, especially if you believe dreams are born in our subconscious.  In fact, if all dreams are born in the subconscious, then they should mirror the personality of the dreamer. What if…
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Three Pointers to Help You Gain Insight into Your Own Dreams

Many dreamers have taken it upon themselves to figure out what their own dreams mean.  You wake up with the dream fresh in your mind, walk through it making assumptions along the way, and come to a conclusion.  This most likely happens on a lazy Saturday or Sunday morning after one of those teeth-rattling dreams…
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Intuition in Dreams

Ever felt like a dream you’ve had is significant but you don’t know why?  What about feeling a dream is significant when you’re having it, but the significance fades once you awake?  These are bits of intuition that are trying to clue you in on what your inner self is trying to tell you is…
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Why not to fear dreams

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about dreams and he voiced a concern that I’ve only seen traces of before.  He told me he was afraid to find out what his dreams mean because it might reveal something he didn’t want to know.  My own life has shown me that…
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Five Dark Sides of Nightmares

Nightmares don’t just take place in rooms and alleyways with very little light, their very substance is knitted together with the fibers of darkness.  The word’s first five letters not only describe the time nightmares happen, (night) but describe many sides of the themes they present.  As I’ve delved into the dark world of nightmares, I’ve…
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Dreams and Imagination

Dreams come to us in the most brilliant message delivery system in existence — pictures.  Think about it.  Words are limited to the skill of the person conveying the words, not to mention that it takes a whole lot of words to communicate over several minutes, a simple picture can do in a few seconds.…
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