Unravel Dream Mysteries

A place to find Real Answers for what you dream

Dream Fact and Dream Fiction

I heard the most interesting news while I was flipping through the cable channels at the gym this morning.  A news anchor reported the finding of a study at a sleep institute whose name escapes me.  The big news?  People who sleep on their left side have more nightmares than people who sleep on their…
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Why You Must be Intentional About Your Dreams

Many people don’t remember what they dream because they’re not intentional about their dreams.  What does intention have to do with dreaming?  Everything.  It’s intention that can help us develop your dreams and intention that can hinder your ability to dream. For example, let’s say when you were seven or eight years old you started…
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Numbers in Dreams

I’ve been having dreams lately with numbers in them.  Although numbers within dreams can be significant in all kinds of ways – numbers of people around you, numbers of floors in a building you’re in, even the numbers of times something’s spoken, the numbers in my dreams have to do with time.  Either someone’s telling…
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What is Dream Code?

Humans have used code to disguise important messages from enemies and other prying eyes for centuries. In my years of dream study I’ve seen first hand how a dream code can nearly perfectly cloak a dream’s meaning. Read on, dear dreamer, you’re about to discover ways to break that nearly perfect code.   Dream code…
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Why Those Who Know Us Well Shouldn’t Help Us with Our Dreams

The next few weeks most of us will be around lots of family for the holidays.  For some of us, like me, it means going to grandma’s house in the country.  I always sleep better when I’m in the country, and often have dreams I remember every night that I’m there.  It got me thinking…
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The Reason Why Some Dreams are More Real Than Others

We’ve all woken up from a dream thinking everything in it looked and felt real.  Other times we’ve woken up remembering fragments of a dream only to have those fragments vanish as if the images were sketched in disappearing ink.  Then there’s dreams that seem to imprint themselves on the inside of the dreamer and…
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Your Reflection in a Dream

Awhile back I had a dream where I saw myself in a dream mirror. My reflection didn’t look like me and I found that somewhat puzzling. I decided to do a deep dive into the topic of mirror dreams to find answers. This blog of the result of a series of surprising and amazing discoveries…
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