
I’ve always been fascinated with flying in my dreams. I’ll be walking around somewhere inside a dream and all of a sudden I’ll start running and take off flying somewhere. I instantly think ‘This is so easy. Why haven’t I done this before? This is so fun!’ Then, after a bit of fun, I wake up and am forced to face the reality that I’m no longer in the dream world. Flying isn’t so easy after all.
Oneironautics is the art of flying in dreams. This is one of my all time favorite dream activities that I wish I could bring into my waking life, and one that I’ve only recently began to understand.
When you fly in your dreams you have the ability to go to a higher level. Depending on the context of the dream, it could mean you’re moving to a higher level of spirituality, or gaining a greater understanding of spiritual things. If you’re flying and you find yourself bumping into things as you’re flying it does not indicate that you have a diminished spiritual life, rather that you are immature in spiritual things and need to grow.
Flying in your dreams is one of those activities that can have a plethora of meanings depending where you’re flying and what you have contact with. For example, if you’re lifting off the ground and get caught in the branches of a tree, the dream could very well be telling you that the reach of leadership is hindering you from going higher. If you’re in a covered parking garage and keep repetitively hitting the concrete ceiling the dream could be revealing to you that something hard and man made is keeping you from going to a higher spiritual place.
There are as many different scenarios of flying in your dreams as there are dreamers, and since dream life is as unlimited and deep as the ocean or night sky, a dreamer has to be conscious about context and individual dream symbols.
Share your experiences of flying in your dreams in the comments below.
Photo credit: andres.thor via / CC BY-NC-SA