Numbers in Dreams

Numbers in Dreams

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I’ve been having dreams lately with numbers in them.  Although numbers within dreams can be significant in all kinds of ways – numbers of people around you, numbers of floors in a building you’re in, even the numbers of times something’s spoken, the numbers in my dreams have to do with time.  Either someone’s telling me to be somewhere at a specific time for an event, or I’m looking directly at a clock.  As I’ve thought about the significance of numbers within dreams the last few days, I’ve come to realize that numbers often reveal where we’re at in life.

Here’s a dream I had a few nights ago:

I was alone in a rather large room that had a pool of water in it.  It looked like something you’d find in an underground cave, along the edge was smooth volcanic rock, that gave the pool a natural shape.The water was clear, and I could see many coins on the bottom of this pool.  After I got a good look, I found myself laying on a couch positioned along the north side of the room.  It was dark now, at least until someone came in and turned on the light.  My eyes were directed to the door then to a clock hanging next to the door.  The time was 11:28.  I suddenly find myself swimming in the pool of clear water, diving down and looking at the coins.

End of dream.

Here’s the basic interpretation: Go deeper, for the time to move into what you’re called to do is nearly here.

This dream was giving me instruction, as well as an indication of time.  It didn’t reveal anything new to me, but the dream did remind me I need to tie up some loose ends before the end of the year.  It also revealed that there’s more depth to what I’m doing, and when I go deeper I will gain something valuable.

Numbers within dreams can be just as helpful as other symbols, sometimes even more so.  Pictures and other symbols tell us the what while numbers can often tell us the when.  The information to go deeper in order to gain something valuable wasn’t news to me, but the fact that the time on the clock was 11:28 told me that my time of transition is quickly coming to an end and stepping into what I’m called to do is only two minutes away.  The last two minutes are, of course, symbolic of a short space of time.

It’s important to note that it’s not necessary to count the number of floors, or people, or even how many times things are said in every dream.  It’s first important to note the context of the dream, then note any numbers you see and if nothing pops out at you move on.

Here’s a list of some numbers and their meanings in dreams:

  1. Divinity
  2. Multiplication/division
  3. three in one deity
  4. Creative works
  5. Grace
  6. Humanity
  7. Perfection/completeness/fullness
  8. New Beginning
  9. Judgement
  10. Journey
  11. Transition
  12. Government
  13. Rebellion

30. Begin Calling

How many times have you seen numbers in your dreams?  Did they appear on a clock or were they floating through the air by themselves? Comment below.

Photo credit: chrisinplymouth / / CC BY-NC-SA

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