Why Dreams are Shrouded in Mystery

Have you ever wondered why dreams are shrouded in mystery? Why can’t they just tell you everything in plain English and be done with it? What’s the deal with vampire giraffes and yellow slides that end in impending doom?
There are several good reasons why dreams don’t speak to us plainly.
If dreams came to us in words instead of those confusing symbols it’s very likely that we’d see the words scrolling up from the bottom of your field of vision just like the opening scene of the original Star Wars movie. This would ensure you’d receive the dream’s message loud and clear. There would be no weirdness, no animals, no people, no buildings, no vehicles or anything else you encounter in every day life. Oh, and most likely there would be no color.
How boring!
It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Can you imagine how many words it would take to describe one of your dreams without using any pictures? It’s entirely possible you’d see words scrolling through your mind all night long and into the next day. Mysterious imagery is able to communicate a great many thoughts ideas and emotions on many different levels.
I remember a dreamer telling me a dream he had where he was sitting on his bosses chest pounding him in the face with his fists. That was the whole dream. As you can imagine the dreamer’s emotions were off the charts. And the point of the dream? The point was to simply say that his disrespect and anger toward the boss were out of control. There’s nothing like the imagery of a dream like that to make a point that words could never get across.
Another reason dreams speak to you in mysterious imagery is to appeal to your innate love of the mysterious. We all love a good mystery. It’s one of the reasons for all of the Sherlock Holmes remakes and those game rooms they lock you in so you can try and find a way out. For some reason we were all created with a drive to try and put the pieces of a mystery together because we humans get great satisfaction in solving a mystery. The mysterious symbols you encounter within your dreams awakens that drive and compels each one of us to search for meaning within our dreams.
These are only a couple of examples of why your dreams are shrouded in mystery. I’m sure there are many more. My point in bringing up this topic is to get you to think about the mystery of dreams and maybe you’ll begin to see just how brilliant the structure of dreams are. Keep exploring their mysteries and I’m confident you’ll find enough intrigue to compel you to go to a much deeper place.