Little Joe’s Destiny Dreams

Dreams are curious things. They show up out of nowhere to seize us and carry us off to worlds that defy even the most clever imagination. You know what I mean. We’ve all awakened after dreaming something that leaves us stumbling around our morning routine dazed and confused.
One of the best descriptions of dreams that I’ve heard is that they are otherworldly adventures traced in disappearing ink. Dreams often propel dreamers through such mind bending experiences that most people are happy to simply allow it all to evaporate into thin air.
What if a message was wrapped up at the center of your dreams? What if your dreams were trying to communicate important information? Wouldn’t you want to know what is at the center of all the mystery?
Of course you would.
You’d especially want to know if the message could change your life. Now that’s a profound idea, that dreams have the ability to change a life; to save a nation. In the ancient manuscript of beginnings, Genesis, there’s an account of a series of dreams doing just that.
Joseph was the youngest in a line of ten older, jealous brothers. Not only was he dad’s favorite, but he kept doing things that made him seem like an arrogant nuisance. First, he had the habit of reporting some of the bad things his older brothers did to their father. It’s not hard to imagine how that went over. Then, their father Jacob, announced that Joseph was the darling of the family by making him a special colorful coat for him and him alone. His ten older brothers got the message that their dad was sending loud and clear — dad loves little Joe more than any of us!
Then, he started telling his brothers about his dreams, which caused their jealousy to turn to hatred. It was bad enough the bundles of grain his brothers gathered bowed down to little Joe’s bundle, but then he had a dream that the sun, moon and eleven stars bowed down to him. Needless today the brothers had enough. They began to try and figure out how to kill him and make their dad think a wild animal had done it.
One of little Joe’s brothers pleaded with the others not to kill him but to throw him in a well, which they all agreed to do. Then, the older bothers all sat down to eat something and when they saw a band of traders bound for Egypt. They decided to sell their youngest brother into slavery and be done with him. This was the first in a series of events that caused Joseph to be promoted to second in charge of ancient Egypt directly under Pharaoh, which set about a turn of events that caused him to save his whole family, which would later become a great nation, from starvation.
Dreams are destiny incubators, but not every dream contains such destiny within the center of its mystery. Wouldn’t it be helpful though if solutions to your everyday problems were? There’s no telling what you’ll find at the center of the mystery of the dream that you’ll have tonight.
Photo by Ghintang on / CC BY-NC-SA