The Line of Blood

Chances are you’ve had a dream about your family bloodline and you didn’t even realize it. Bloodline dreams highlight issues or consequence that’s passed through a dreamer’s lineage and pass from one generation to another. I’ve often said dreams can be tricky. Here’s an example of a dream that highlight’s a dreamer’s bloodline.
The Dream:
I’m in my grandparent’s house where I’ve always celebrated Hollidays. Everyone in my family is there — both sets of my grandparents(who’ve passed away), my aunts and uncles and cousins. It’s like a family reunion. Suddenly I know there’s this tornado coming toward the house. It’s close and nobody seems the least bit concerned. I start searching to find a safe place. If I don’t get to safety ai know I will die. I run through the house trying to warn people and finally make it to the basement and hide in the bathroom. The tornado hits the house and tears everything up just as I awake.
End of dream
It’s not too difficult to figure out this dream is speaking about issues coursing through the dreamer’s bloodline since his entire family is in the house that gets destroyed. Whenever a dreamer sees a heavy presence of family in a dream, or a house or houses that family events took place in it’s most likely pointing to issues passed down through the dreamer’s lineage. Other symbols that could point to issues of family are things like a piece of jewelry specific to a family member, family members leading you somewhere in a dream and the like. Dreams are specific to the dreamer and dreams about family issues can literally take on any form specific to the family of the dreamer. The scenarios are literally unlimited. I’ve said this before but I think it’s worth repeating. There are no hard and fast rules to dream interpretation.
Let’s get back to the dream. Let’s first break the dream down into its basic elements and then we’ll reduce the dream all the way down to its very essence.
Dream Elements:
Family house, relatives from both sides of the family, basement bathroom, tornado
The Reduction:
So in the dream the family house is destroyed with the dreamer’s entire family and the dreamer barely escapes by hiding in the basement bathroom. There may not seem like there’s a lot of information in this dream, but if you know how to cause the dream to give up its mystery it’s amazing what a seemingly simple short dream will tell you.
A great example is the basement bathroom. It seems very logical for the dreamer to take refuge from a tornado in the basement. But why did they hide in the bathroom and not in a bedroom or recreation room or closet? This is a dream after all, the dreamer could have gone down into the basement and found themselves in a different dimension. Asking ‘why this and not that’ questions can greatly help reveal what’s hidden.
In the context of this dream a basement bathroom is essentially a hidden place where the dreamer can get cleaned up. It’s important to not that the dream does not say what the dreamer is getting clean from, or what the specific destruction is to their family. It only says that there’s impending destruction headed toward the dreamer’s family and no one is concerned about it. So where do I get the specific idea of a blood line issue? The answer is simply this: the dreamer sees both sides of their family all the way down the line from grandparents to cousins.
Lastly, let’s look at the definition of the symbols found in this dream:
Family House — representation of family history since the dreamer spent lots of time here with their family.
Relatives from Both Sides of the Family — a line of generations is depicted here representing the family blood line
The Basement Bathroom — the dreamer finds refuge from impending destruction in a place whose purpose is reserved to get clean. It’s no accident that it’s in a hidden place.
Tornado — this symbol represents impending destruction. It’s important to note the reaction of the family members to impending destruction. This simply means that something that has an ability to destroy the dreamer’s family is ignored by everyone in the family.
One last thing I have to say about this dream is that it’s not all doom and gloom. Believe it or not this dream has an element of hope in it. Where is it? The hope is this: in the middle of impending destruction the dreamer knows where to go in order to find protection and to get clean.