Just go do it!

If I want to be honest I’d have to say that it’s been a rather difficult couple weeks for me. I’ve felt unmotivated, and, frankly, rather passionless. It happens, but as the saying goes…the show must go on.
Faced with the choice of simply sitting down and writing this blog to communicate dream facts without heart (which to me equals going through the motions), or to write something meaningful I had a thought. I’d review some past dreams in which the interpretation spoke to the dreamer, I mean a jaw dropping revelation type of interpretation to regain my motivation and passion. I got out the collection of past dreams I’ve worked on, which could best be described as a myriad. I looked through them for about five minutes and gave up.
I woke up this morning just as in need of motivation and passion as I had been the day before. On the way to work I had this thought that I should stop in a certain place for some breakfast on the way to work. So I made the stop. While I was there ordering my breakfast I got into a conversation with a woman about her dream life. Everything was going as expected. Then she began telling me certain beliefs she had about dreams that she’d picked up from different places. Two or three of those beliefs were pretty standard, but then she started saying things that began stirring something inside me, inside my heart. I don’t know why what she said affected me so deeply, but I suddenly realized that I began to care deeply that she get the correct information about dreams. But there was something more than that. I suddenly saw that what I was able to give her was more than just correct information about dreams. I saw had an opening to make a real difference in her life.
I wish I had a dream to share with you but I haven’t had a chance to sit down and discuss things with her yet. Perhaps you’ll hear more about our interaction in a later bog post. After I left, I was taken by the fact that such a basic interaction could rekindle the spark that motivated me to do what I do, not only to help others with dreams, but to make a difference in people’s lives. I think every once in while we all need that reminder about what’s important in life and how we as individuals carry within us the ability to make a difference in the lives of others.
I realize this isn’t the typical blog post you’ve become accustomed to, but I just wanted to reach out to you and say that however mundane and how ineffective you life may seem right now you have the ability to impact other people more than you know. Don’t wait for the motivation or the passion. Just go and do what you do.