Intuition in Dreams

Intuition in Dreams

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Ever felt like a dream you’ve had is significant but you don’t know why?  What about feeling a dream is significant when you’re having it, but the significance fades once you awake?  These are bits of intuition that are trying to clue you in on what your inner self is trying to tell you is important. We’ve been given intuition for a reason, and we all have examples of how we’re better off for listening to it.  Since dreams lead us on an allegorical journey and very seldom speak to us in a straight forward manner, we need all the help we can get in discerning a dream’s meaning.  Intuition is one of the best tools we have to solve the mystery of an intriguing dream.

One of the best ways to cultivate intuition in your dreams is to pay attention to your feelings.  Immediately when you awake, think through the feelings your dream has stirred within you.  Can’t remember any feelings associated with your dream?  Then look for intrigue.  Think about the people or places you saw in your dream or search for some other thing that intrigued you about it.

I’ve known at least six people by the name of Joe in my life, so when I see a certain Joe in my dream I immediately start to ask why this Joe and not that one?  Since each Joe is associated with a different time in my life, so I start by combing through my past in a search to find any links to the Joe that showed up.  If that doesn’t yield an answer, I begin searching for the definition of that certain Joe’s last name and move on to what each Joe meant to me when they were in my life.  Through these steps of searching, I’m prompted to find the meaning through the first bit of intuition I had, and often encounter the answer to the mystery by following it.

Now, when I speak of intuition, it’s that unnamed feeling we get when we know that something is a bit off, or in the case of a dream, that there’s something more to the experience than what we perceive.  This simple fact seems to tell us that dreams are more important than we realize.  That there is a value to our dream experience, even though we only have a faint memory of it.  Why would we be given significant and important communication in our dreams?  Isn’t that what our waking life’s for?

Of course our waking life is full of significance and important things.  But what if our waking lives are so furious and active that we miss little hints of significance?   One third of our lives is spent asleep.  That means that if you are sixty years old and spend eight hours a night sleeping, you’ve dreamed for twenty years.  What if you’re introduced to one significant thing that you’ve missed when you were awake, just one per night?  I’ll let you do the math and dream of how different your life might be if you you only paid attention to your intuition that told you there’s something about your dream that’s worth finding out.


What experiences have you had with dream intuition?  Share them in the comments below and don’t forget to visit the facebook page.

Photo credit: Gurumustuk Singh / / CC BY-NC-SA

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