A Moment of Imperfect Clarity

So I had the most interesting thing happen last night. A friend paid me a visit in a dream and said two words that had me thinking all day. Those two words were actually a name. Here’s the dream scene.
This friend was speaking to people from a stage in a gym. The stage was level with the people who sat in folding chairs spread across the gym floor. The only thing I remember her saying was that she used to sit on her mother’s porch and listen to Susan Incentive. I immediately recognized the name as that of a woman whose music I used to listen to. As soon as I heard her say that name, Susan Incentive, I had an immediate connection to it although when I reentered the waking world those two words made absolutely no sense when put next to each other.
I’ve come to call this experience a moment of imperfect clarity.
Dreams are curious things. When a person’s captured by a dream it’s almost as if their ability to argue is turned off. We all have brushes with the impossible and all kinds of things that don’t make sense, yet we simply accept them as completely normal. Only in a dream can those who have passed on come back to life, or we can fly like a bird or time travel to plant a tree that kills a talking dinosaur skeleton at just the right time.
Or a friend speaks the name Susan Incentive.
At the time I’m writing this I have no ideas what those words represent or why they were spoken in my dream. It’s a mystery. But I love the mysterious. It keeps me actively seeking answers. I have yet to discover all the answers about the moments of imperfect clarity in dreams. But they’ve got my attention, and I have a feeling that if I keep my eyes open for these moments I’ll see them more and more all over my dreams. You make room for what you pay attention to, after all.
I encourage you, dear dreamer, to pay attention to those little nuances that you would have missed otherwise. It’s only one way to keep the mystery alive in your life.