Hungry Hyenas

Sometimes we allow things to stay in our lives that are not beneficial to us. They’re not necessarily bad or evil, we’re just comfortable with them. Then other times we allow things that are very bad for us. It’s like we’re partnering with death. We’re attracting Hungry Hyenas. How can a dreamer tell which one a dream is pointing out? What is the turning point between something we’re just comfortable with and something that taints our life with death?
The answer lies in a variety of factors: from emotions to the symbols the dream uses to describe that “thing”. Here’s an example of a dream showing the dreamer they are partnering with death.
The Dream:
A dreamer recently reported a dream in which they were walking along and came upon some hyenas. They were hungry and they were bugging the dreamer to give them the meat the dreamer was carrying in their hands. She felt bad because of the whimpering and crying the hyenas were doing so they fed the hyenas the meat they were carrying in their hands. as soon as the hyenas had devoured the meat the dreamer heard the words “They live because you’re feeding them.”
End of Dream
This dream is very revealing if you know how to decipher what it’s saying. The key is in the Hyenas. To be more specific the key lies in the definition of the Hyenas. If you’ve been following this blog for any time at all you’ve noticed that I’ve mentioned the simplicity found in dreams. Let’s start breaking this dream down to its simplest form.
First, lets take a look at the dreamer. They were walking along with pieces of meat in their hands. The meat seems out of place until the hyenas show up and start begging them to give them the meat they’re holding. The dreamer mentions feeling bad that the hyenas were hungry and she had something to feed them. But notice something here. The meat in her hands is hers. The hyenas are begging the dreamer to give them something that is her’s to begin with.
The Hyenas
Now let’s take a look at the hyenas. Hyenas run in packs and they are known by several attributes. One is that they are notorious scavengers that frequently feast on the carrion of previously killed animals. Hyenas are features in many of the documentaries I’ve seen about the African planes and it seems like they’re trying to take bites from an animal that a lion or some other big cat has chased down and killed. I’ve always thought of then as thieves. Also, they have this high pitched, almost mocking, “laugh”.
I find it interesting that there is a word play here. The dreamer was carrying some meat and hyenas typically feed on carrion. That’s how the dreamer is partnering with death. She’s got dead things in her life that attract scavengers. At the same time the dream shows the problem it reveals the answer. If the dreamer gets rid of the dead things in her life, scavengers that feed on dead things will stop being attracted to her.
In a word she needs to carry life instead of carrying around death.
This dreamer was able to identify the bad things they were feeding and were able to take care of them.
What’s Next The Shaman and the Lemurs