Flying High

Flying High

Flying High
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  “When you’re able to smuggle cannabis on a commercial flight and no one is the wiser, you know you’re dreaming!”

  This was a dreamer’s response when I asked him if he’s had any dreams recently. Then he shared the following dream with me.

Flying High

  Here’s the Dream:

  I was in an airport traveling somewhere I don’t remember. Just before I went through security a TSA agent asked me to test their scanning equipment by carrying a bunch of drugs through by putting them underneath my clothes. The agents watched as I went through security and when I made it through they said I was good to go.

  The next thing I know I’m sitting on a plane thinking about how I couldn’t believe I’m flying high on a plane carrying all those drugs on me and no one is the wiser.

  After the plane landed wherever it landed and I got out out of the airport, somehow people knew that I had all these drugs on me and they were after me to try and get the drugs.

  End of Dream.

Rocky Mountain High

  Living in Colorado where pot is legal I simply thought the dreamer was having a dream experience that mimicked his waking life.

  Boy was I wrong.

  When the dreamer first shared the dream with me he was kinda light hearted and treated the dream like it was no big deal. After I told him the interpretation he shared a detail with me that changed the whole perspective on the dream.

    I’ve always found airports interesting. As a dream symbol airports are pretty straight forward. They’re a place you go to prepare to take off and go higher (not to be confused with flying high). Many times this suggests a place of spirituality but the dream is using the symbols of airports and flying in a different way.  In the context of this dream, the setting of the airport simply means a place to take off, the beginning of a journey.

  But what does cannabis mean in the dream?

    In a metaphorical sense cannabis can symbolize a natural high, a Rocky Mountain High, since the dreamer lives here in Colorado. But there’s more.


  An interesting part of this dream, and one that really sticks out to me as an interpreter, is the fact that people in authoritiy are giving the dreamer the drugs. They tell him that they want to “test” their scanning equipment. So there is a “test” in this dream. It’s disguised test because at first it seems as if equipment is being tested. In reality it’s the dreamer who is being tested.

  The dreamer’s lighthearted and dismissing smiles soon turned into concern when he told me that in less than a week he was moving from his current job to be a police officer. So then, a dreamer who is about to become a person in authority dreamt that those in authority gave him drugs as a test.


stop sign with graffiti

There’s a Warning Here

  He was suddenly concerned that this dream meant something bad, and I couldn’t blame him. Then it came to me. This dream is not telling him he’s going to break the law he’s about to swear to uphold. The dream isn’t highlighting the cannabis specifically.  There’s something bigger going on here and it’s very easy to miss if you focus on just the cannabis.

  What the dream is communicating to the dreamer is the fact that he did something because he was talked into it. He did it even though he was apprehensive about it. In other words, something inside told him was uneasy and signaled that there was a problem, but he ignored it.  By the end of the dream other people were after him (he didn’t say whether or not they were police or others in authority) and his emotions were on high alert.

  This dream is communicating to the dreamer that he needs to pay attention to what his gut is telling them and not just blindly follow. As I understand it, learning to listen to your gut is an asset in the field of law enforcement.

Photo by frankieleon on Trend hype / CC BY

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