How to Know if You Lucid Dream

As a collector of dreams I’ve noticed lucid dreams are quite common among creatives. These talented dreamers speak of moving through dreams as if they were playing a video game.
In lucid dreams, the Lucid Definition is having full use of your abilities and being able to change almost everything about your dream. If a lucid dreamer walks into a dark building and feels threatened, they just materialize a weapon that makes them feel safe. Better yet, if a monster appears they just speak the words and the monster evaporates.
Lucid Dream Stories
A dreamer, whose been lucid dreaming most of his life, describes seeing a static haze as he’s falling asleep. He makes his way through the haze and sees a hallway with doors on both sides. Behind each door is a different dream. He chooses a door and walks into a dream. If he doesn’t like the dream he walks back out and chooses a different door and enters a more appealing dream.
Each lucid dream story the creative dreamers told me was unique to them. The possibilities of what a dreamer can experience within a lucid dream are endless. However, every lucid dream has at least two things in common. The dreamer knows they are dreaming and the dreamer has a certain amount of control.
Take a flying dream, for example. Flying dreams often have a certain level of lucidity die to the fact that the dreamer can change directions as they’re flying and determine how high they go.
Five Signs You’re a Lucid Dreamer
But what about the dreamer? Are there things you can look back on and in your dream life and tell if you’ve had a lucid dream? Do lucid dreamers have certain characteristics that set them apart? Continue reading and discover Five Signs You’re a Lucid Dreamer.
Picking Up Where You Left Off
One sign your a lucid dreamer is if you find you’re in the habit of waking up in the middle of the dream, go back to sleep and pick up where you left off because you willed to do so.
Now, you may not have thought this was a sign of lucid dreaming before now, but it is. The fact that you’re able to recall the setting and circumstances of the dream and able to step back into them is a pretty significant amount of control.
Realizing You’re in a Dream
The second sign you’re a lucid dreamer is knowing you’re in a dream while dreaming. In my experience with this sign, it’s not so much a realization I can go about doing what I want. I simply realize I’ve been in the same place before in another dream.
One of the first times I remember this happening was in a dream where a whole bunch of stuff happened. I don’t have a clear memory of all the stuff, but I do remember making byway into a school that turned into a hospital. I don’t remember being there to see anyone, just to walk through to get somewhere else.
As I stepped out of the front of the hospital I saw a large foundation and immediately now I was dreaming because I’d seen the same fountain in a couple other dreams. I remember thinking “If I go off to the left I’ll go to the place I was in during that one dream and if I walk straight I’ll go to the place I was in during that one dream, and if I walk straight I’ll go into that neighborhood where the other dream took place. If I go to the right I’ll get too downtown Denver. Yeah, that’s where I wanna go.”
A different time I remember walking into a room and telling everyone that I’d been there before in a dream–and I was dreaming again. The rest of these dreams were not lucid, rather, I experienced moment of lucidity within a non lucid dream.
Heightened Emotions
The third sign you’re a lucid dreamer is you’ve experienced heightened emotions within your dreams. Again, you may not find yourself in a full-blown lucid dream rather, a moment of lucidity while engaging heightened emotions.
Lucid dreams are dreams most like real life because you’re making your own decisions and exerting acts of your will. When you find yourself getting very angry, or falling in love in your dreams, you are the one in control of your emotions. Granted, losing your temper or loving someone doesn’t feel like you’re the one in control, but at the most basic level you’ve made a choice, conscious or unconscious, to become angry or release your love.
The Will
As I began to have more and more lucid dreams I’m realizing that being lucid is more about the dreamer’s will then the control a dreamer is able to achieve.
One night as I was falling asleep I asked to be shown an aspect of lucid dreams that I didn’t know. I had a dream that night were I made a choice that night where I made a choice to be in control. But as I made the choice I felt a release of power from my deepest depths as if I was willing a choice into existence. It came from the same deep place as strong emotions like anger and love.
Don’t Just Settle for What Happens
The forth sign you’re a lucid dreamer is a knowing that you don’t have to simply accept everything that happened to you in a dream.
One of the attributes of dreams is an inner knowing of things you have no way of knowing as a dreamer. Some dreamers find themselves in uncomfortable situations they have a desire to change. they find themselves walking into a dark house “knowing” they’re walking into a trap. As the dreamer enters the house and goes deeper into the situation their desire connects with their will and they begin to speak out their destiny. As they do, the colorless house grows bright and the entire dream changes.
The dreamer suddenly finds themselves in the completely different environment –one of hope and destiny. the dream turned lucid when the dreamer released their will to fulfill their destiny from their deepest inner parts.
A Stealthy Shooter
The fifth sign you’re a lucid dreamer is when you begin to notice your dreams affecting your waking life.
A dreamer has a series of dreams in which he was practicing stealth moves by walking over many different kinds of terrain and being as quiet as possible. Then, he began having a series of dreams based on first shooter video games he loved to play in his waking life. When he was given the chance to shoot similar guns in his waking life and he took it. The experience felt familiar and the dreamer stetted that shooting the real fun for the first time felt natural, his motioned practiced.
Thing was, the dreamer didn’t realize he was having lucid dreams until he experienced the benefits of his dreams in waking life.
Take a moment to recall a few of your dreams. Do you recognize any of these five signs in your dream life? tell me about them in the comments.
3 Responses
is there different levels of lucid dreaming? idk if that sounds weird but idk how else to say it lol
Have you heard of people who were lucid dreamers in the past but don’t seem to be any longer?
I haven’t but it appears to me that some people like myself have to diligently pursue lucidity.