Five Most Common Nightmares

Many times, right after someone tells me the details of a nightmare they’ve had, they think their dream experience is unique and wonder what’s wrong with them. To end this holiday weekend right, compare a recent nightmare or dream you’ve recently had to these five most common.
Common Nightmare #1: Being trapped in a jail cell or another enclosed space. All too often, dreamers are trapped in a locked jail cell or a small room of some kind. Many times monsters are closing in, or chasing you to a door that’s locked. The scenarios are infinite, but the meaning is all the same. You’re cornered and there’s no way out. You’re dreaming about this for one of many different reasons: to instill fear and hopelessness, increase your perception of being trapped, or a host of other debilitating reasons. What could be the purpose? Here’s an example, maybe you’ve been feeling like there’s no point for you to try and be a better person or have a better life life than you currently have. If you have an intense nightmare about being trapped and the fears associated with attempting to get yourself free, you just may come to the conclusion that it’s not worth it. You give up, and voilá your life started a rapid downward spiral. And what could be the end result of a life entering a downward spiral? Unfortunately we have many examples to choose from – death row is full of them.
Common Nightmare #2: Encountering snakes. This is both one of the most common dreams and nightmares that exists. Whenever I talk to people on the street about their nightmares, at least two people tell me they’ve encountered a snakes. Whether they’re trying to crawl in bed with you, or you find yourself in a swimming pool full of them, or the head of someone you’re going out with turns into the head of a snake, the meaning is the same. You’re encountering lies, (maybe even deception if there are enough snakes), or lies are being told about you. Instead of fearing these dream experiences, make note of them. They could be the thing to tip you off about what’s happening behind your back!
Common Nightmare#3: You’re being stalked or chased. Every one of us have had these kinds of nightmares. It’s like we’re walking around with friends, then suddenly we’re separated and someone or something evil is following us into a bad and dark part of town. Our fear increases and so does the pace of our footsteps, and all of a sudden the chase is on. These dreams are bad enough when they end like that, but when you end up being caught and assaulted they take a nasty turn for the worse. Whichever scenario you find yourself in, the idea is the same. You’re being pursued by destruction. It may not be physical destruction, but destruction of your kindhearted nature, or even your trust of people in general is being targeted. Take a look at your waking life at the time you have nightmares like this, and you just may find you’re withdrawing from giving strangers the benefit of the doubt when they need your help, for example.
Common Nightmare #4: Encountering Spiders. I’ve been told about spiders that had the head of a man, a woman, a dog and just about everything else you can think of. Spiders can show up in your nightmare looking like a combination of many things, or just themselves. Whatever their form, a spider in a nightmare represents occult activity. The kind and the degree of it’s influence in your life depends on the context of the dream, but rest assured, the occult is active when you encounter spiders.
Common Nightmare #5: Nightmare that begins or ends with your death. It may sound strange to have a nightmare that begins with the dreamer’s death, but it is possible. I’ve talked to dreamers who went to sleep and found themselves at their own funerals; they just didn’t know it right away. Common nightmares like these are assumed to mean that you’re going to die in your waking life, when only one maybe two percent of the time that is the case. Why, then, would you be given a nightmare about your own death? Again, to increase fear in you, only this time, to increase the fear of death. And what’s the purpose of increasing the fear of death?
Let’s take a look at that. First, death nightmares originate from outside you. They originate in a dark, negative place. A dark, outside influence designed to, again, carry out evil’s desire for you.
Second, death nightmares are designed to kill any happiness or joy or peace you have, and that leads to depression, which in some cases leads to thoughts of suicide. Isn’t it interesting that what you fear in your nightmare can slowly, and consistently, work its way into your waking life.
Third, this kind of destruction is is never something you would chose for yourself. No one ever looks down their life’s path and plans for it to lead to something like suicide. No one would ever chose something like that for themselves on their own. This is why suicide is often a long process, people have to be talked into it one step at a time and that first step just may be a nightmare about their own death.
Photo credit: chiaralily / Foter / CC BY-NC