Failing Brakes Dream Meaning

Dreaming that the brakes are failing in a car you’re driving can be terrifying. Yet, through the terror there are few dream symbols that communicate a more urgent warning that failing brakes. I’ve worked through many dreams where dreamers experienced brake failure. Through it all, one stern warning appears over and over again.
When you dream the brakes aren’t working in your car it means you’ve lost the ability to control and stop the momentum of what’s been set into motion. Many times the dream is making a reference to your job, even your purpose in life, but it’s not just confined to these areas.
Dreams can mean anything, so what exactly does it mean to be driving in a dream car and lose the brakes?
Failing Brakes Dream Interpretation
In order to understand the warning that often accompanies failing brakes dreams let’s first examine a dream where the dreamer is driving their car.
I have a recurring dream that I’m driving my car. Then, something happens in front of me like a traffic jam or accident. When I try to brake for the event my car doesn’t slow down and it feels like my brakes don’t work anymore.
End of Dream
On the surface this dream seems pretty straight forward, but there are things that are easy to miss if you don’t take your time with it.
Let’s first take note that the dreamer’s driving their own car. When you’re behind the wheel of your own car in a dream it typically symbolizes a vehicle that allows you to get from one place in life to another, a career or vocation. The momentum of that vehicle can’t be altered even though there’s traffic ahead. This threatens a crash, which often times symbolizes conflict.
To simplify, the dreamer’s lack of control results in impending conflict. The recurring aspect of this dream simply means the dreamer’s not getting the message.
A Gentle Bump
Here’s a second dream which puts a bit of a twist on the idea of being out of control.
“I could be driving my own car, a truck, whatever, and the brakes aren’t working. The results are that I gently bump into another car or miss the parking spot I was aiming for or miss a turn or whatever. I have this dream at least three times a week if not more.”
In this dream the dreamer’s driving different vehicles when the brakes quit working. They don’t tell the complete dreams. The key to the meaning of each of these recurring dreams is what the vehicle’s used for. Their own car= career/vocation, a truck= something their hauling or transporting.
When they bump into another car or miss their parking spot because the brakes don’t work, they’re coming in contact with other’s vocations that results in a little conflict, and they miss finding their place of rest in this area.
Recurring Dreams of Failing Brakes
You have the same dream over and over again for a couple of reasons. First, within the context of failing brakes dreams they can be induced by the trauma of actually having your brakes go out in waking life.
In speaking with a friend whose brakes actually went out she said many of the dreams after her accident placed her behind the wheel with failing brakes. She followed up by saying the dreams didn’t particularly last a long time after the waking life accident. She also indicated that none of her failing brakes dreams happened before her accident. This can be comforting to those who’ve had failing brakes dreams and wonder if it indicates the brakes are really going to fail in waking life. I can’t say it never happens, but it’s extremely rare.
Another reason recurring dreams happen is because the dreamer isn’t understanding what the dream’s communicating to them. So now that I’ve established that your failing brakes dream isn’t actually about failing brakes but being out of control, it may take a few times for you to catch on. If you’ve been having failing brakes dreams take a moment to think about your work life or academic life and assess if you feel like you’re feeling a bit out of control.
What Does Losing Control of a Car in Your Dream Mean?
When you lose control of a dream car it means you’re feeling out of control in the arena that moves you forward in life.
We all gain a certain amount of comfort from feeling we’re in control of our lives. When things begin to spin out of control because the decisions of others or life circumstances, things can get scary. When you have a dream that tells you where you’re at in life by putting you behind the wheel of a vehicle you lose control over, it can be quite valuable information. Failing brake or some other aspect of losing control can give you a heads up so you can begin to prepare and make adjustments and compensate for the change.
Whether you’re losing control of your dream car because the brakes aren’t working or some other reason, it’s a warning that should be heeded.
Out of Control Car Dream
I’ve had this dream several times now, but this recent one was the most intense. I was driving downhill and was approaching a red light, but my brakes weren’t slowing me down enough so I kept speeding up more and more. I was pressing a pedal as hard as I could but I still crossed 3 red lights and rear ended another car before stopping.
End of Dream
Having a dream where your brakes go out is one thing. A dream where your failing brakes cause your car to go out of control is quite another. When you dream of driving an out of control car it means you’re out of control. When your brakes go out and you you careen through 3 red lights and rear end another car it means you’re out of control and in danger of scary conflict. This is a strong warning dream.
The dreamer didn’t mention their feelings in the dream. They didn’t mention any other hints that help me determine context for this dream. But they did mention they’ve had the dream several times and this last one was the most intense. This simple statement tells me this dream is the latest in a progression of movement in the dreamer’s life.
Just because a dream proclaims something over your life doesn’t mean you have to accept it!
Equitis Bic
Responding to Recurring Failing Brake Dreams
If I had a series of dreams like this I would be as diligent as I could be. This includes getting the actual brakes on my vehicle checked and become very engaged in paying attention to work as well as personal relationships to cover every area this dream may be speaking of. I’m not pronouncing doom on the dreamer’s life, I’m simply stating the dreamer must take this dream seriously.
Lastly, I want to say that just because you have a dream like this doesn’t mean it has to happen. Dreams are not set in concrete, which goes against most popular beliefs about dreams. You can flip this dream which means responding to it by simply saying that this danger the dream presents will not come near you or your loved ones. This confession will cause you to position yourself against the disaster the dream is proclaiming against your life.
How To Understand Dreams Video