Dreams and Agreement

Dreams and Agreement

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Very few dreamers understand the power they have over their dreams.  A dreamer’s spoken words, for example, can get dreams flowing again if they haven’t dreamed in a long time.  Dreamers can also meditate on light if they’re prone to have dark dreams.  Just that simple practice as a dreamer’s falling asleep can add color and peace to the most disturbing dream life.  More important than speaking or meditating is agreeing.

A dreamer has incredible power to agree or to disagree with any dream they have.  For example, if you’re  a parent and you have a dream about one of your children drowning or getting hurt in any other way, you have the ability to disagree with the dream.  What do I mean by that?  In simplest terms, don’t go and tell everyone you know about the dream where you saw your child drowning.  That keeps the dream alive.  On the other hand, if you don’t speak about it or meditate on it there is no way you can bring the dream into your waking life.

That said, you shouldn’t just ignore a dream like this.  The first thing you should do, and this is where your power starts, is to speak against this dream even as your dreaming it.  In fact, every time a dream like this comes to your mind you need to speak out loud that this is not going to happen to any child of yours.  Take the dream as a warning, not a fact.  By denying your agreement with such a horrible thing you are denying it to have power in your life.

On the other hand, if you have a dream where good things are happening, by all means write it down and meditate on it.  This is what’s known as coming into agreement with the dream.  So little in this life gives us a shot in the arm just when we need it, that we would do good to agree with encouragement where ever it shows up!


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