Dream Symbol Interaction

Dream Symbol Interaction

Interaction between dream symbols
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Dream Symbol Interaction

  Now that you’ve learned some principles of dream symbols, let’s take a look at dream symbol interaction. It helps to understand how different dream symbols interact, especially if the symbols don’t appear to go together.

An accurate dream interpretation will elude you every time if you string symbol meanings together without understanding how those symbols interact with one another.

Dream Logic

  Don’t assume that if the  dream symbols don’t make sense to you that your dream is meaningless. The lack of perceived logic doesn’t mean there is no logic. 

One way to demystify dreams is to first understand that dreams follow a higher logic. Higher logic always looks foolish when you look at if from a position of lower logic.

Apple Out of My Ear

  I once had a dream where I felt around in my ear for something, grabbed it and pulled out an a ripe apple. It didn’t make any sense at all. I can understand the relationship a mouth has to an apple, but an ear?

  When I began to look at dreams differently and took some time to apply principles of higher logic the dream symbol interaction between an ear and an apple started to make sense.

Higher Logic

  The first principle to understanding higher logic is to not mistake it for being more complicated than natural logic.  It is quite the opposite.

  First, let’s define an apple in its simplest terms. An apple is a seed bearing fruit. So then, what’s an ear? The part of your body that hears.  Let’s go even simpler than that. The apple came from the inside of my ear, so what’s the simplest term for the inside of an ear? My ear canal. Where’s my ear canal located? Inside my head.

  We’ve reduced the symbols down to this: I pulled a seed bearing fruit out of the inside of my head. That’s simple. That’s basic.

The Answer is in Simplicity

  From this point we start asking questions like: What does a seed bearing fruit have in common with the inside of my head?  How did it get in there anyway? And how do they fit with dream symbol interaction?

  To answer these questions we have to break things down to an even more basic level.  Why do apples have seeds?  Obviously to reproduce apple trees and eventually more apples.  Even more basic.  What is an apple seed?  An apple seed is the origin of an apple.

  Therefore what does this basic definition of a seed have in common with what’s inside my head?  Thoughts are inside my head, and the ancients looked a thoughts as being seeds for actions.  It’s the basis of the old adage of a thought leading to an action, and an action leading to a habit, and a habit leading to a lifestyle.  Therefore, a mature apple having origins in a seed is much like a thought, which also starts with a seed.

The Answer to the Mystery

  Thoughts can be planted into our minds like seeds.  If we give that seed attention it will grow and mature into actions just like an apple seed matures into an apple.

The Symbol Break Down

  The symbol of a mature apple being pulled from the symbol of an ear canal is interpreted as this: I’ve planted some fundamental seeds into the soil of my thinking and those seeds are maturing into fruit.

  The timing of this dream could not be better. I had it at a time when I needed to know the thoughts of my heart weren’t fruitless. My dream told me that all the work I was doing on my thought life was not in vain.


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