Dream Principles

Dreams have their roots in principles. Some of these principles are specific to dreams, others are found in the wisdom of the ancients. Some principles specific to dreams are: reducing the dream to its simplest form, identify your position in the dream, and not focusing too much on the details. An excellent example of a principle found in ancient wisdom surfaced in a dream someone shared with me not too long ago.
Walk into the dream with me…
I’m walking with my daughter along a street near a large bay, like the bay in San Francisco. There were shops set up along the street and we came to one that sold pearls in boxes. The boxes were closed and you didn’t know exactly what kind of pearl you got until after you paid for a box.
My daughter paid the money and picked a box that had a beautiful large pearl in it. I wanted to get one but i couldn’t decide which one I wanted. From behind me, my son-in-law stepped up and paid for me to get one of the boxes. I looked and looked and had a hard time choosing just the right box. I decided to pick one that was shaped differently from all the others. When I opened the unique shaped box there was no pearl in it, but tiny letters of the alphabet. These very small letters were outlined in diamonds.
End of dream.
The dreamer was looking forward to getting a pearl, a big one like her daughter, but when she opened the box she got something she wasn’t expecting. In talking with the dreamer, she said she was a bit confused because she didn’t get a pearl. But she got something unique.
In this dream, the contents of the boxes represent gifts. The box the dreamer chose was uniquely shaped, and did you noticed it was paid for by someone else. All gifts come with a price. This may seem counter intuitive, but think about it this way: no one gets talent that’s already developed. It takes a lot of work to refine raw talent. If you don’t believe me, ask any Olympian.
But the dreamer got a gift that someone else paid for. She was looking for a pearl but got an alphabet outlined in diamonds. The dreamer is given an ability to communicate richness and things of value to others.
So what does all of this have to do with ancient principles? Plenty.
There’s this account in ancient literature about a man finding a very valuable pearl in a field. He went and sold everything he had to buy the field in order to gain the pearl. That pearl cost him a great price. The principle here is that in life there are things, not only worth more than money, but worth everything you have.
But then there are gifts that another has paid for. These kinds of gifts are not like gifts given to other people, they are unique to the one they are given to, just as if they were personally tailored to the individual.
This dream was given to this dreamer because she needs to be reminded that the gifts she’s been given are unique to her. How fitting are words spoken at just the right time. This dreamer has been given this ability, which according to the dream, is unique and rare. How different would our life be if we encountered someone who had this gift? How different would our life be if we had this kind of gift and we we not only knew it, but we weren’t afraid to use it?