Dream Fact and Dream Fiction

Dream Fact and Dream Fiction

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I heard the most interesting news while I was flipping through the cable channels at the gym this morning.  A news anchor reported the finding of a study at a sleep institute whose name escapes me.  The big news?  People who sleep on their left side have more nightmares than people who sleep on their right sides.  That was the conclusion of so-called experts at a sleep institute and their one sentence blurb made national cable news.

 My first thought was what kind of nightmares did those people have?  The sleep experts did not think to keep track of the content of the dreamer’s nightmares, I’m sure.  All that treasure buried in the memories of the dreamers  ignored while ‘the experts’ kept track of the dreamer’s sleeping position.


 As the morning progressed, I found myself thinking about how many people would hear that one sentence news report and remind themselves to sleep on their right sides when they go to sleep tonight.  Their seven second news blurb on dreams was, of course, misinformation.  The side a person favors when they sleep has as much to do with the fear content of their dreams as which hand a horror writer favors when they pen a novel.

The last few years I’ve had interaction with people who know the facts about dreams and those who thought they knew.  They each speak with conviction and make compelling arguments.  But only those, such as yourself, dear reader, can distinguish between dream fact and dream fiction.  And questions.  You always have questions.  This is why you must be active in gathering information about this fascinating world of dreams.

If you’re one who’s only curious and haven’t made your minds up about the significance of your dream life — I encourage you to keep asking questions and keep searching.  And of course, follow this dream blog which is one of the few that will tell you the truth behind your dreams.


Note: Since this is Christmas week the dream blog will be taking a bit of a hiatus at the end of the year but will return January 3rd with a new look! Thanks for a great year!

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