Dream Categories

Dream Categories

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Every dream we have can be categorized under a heading that can help us better understand our dreams.  While I did not think up this way to attach heading onto dreams, I’ve found it very helpful in understanding the types of dreams that are very common to us all.

Six Dream Categories:

Invention Dreams.  I’ve heard stories of invention dreams my whole life.  So many in fact, that it got me praying that i had a dream like those I’d been hearing about for such a long time.  I never have.  The simple definition of an invention dream is when a person receives ideas or knowledge that they are unfamiliar with that leads to giving birth to something that has never existed before.

George Washington Carver is one of the best examples I’ve heard of.  Through a series of dreams he came up with over a hundred uses for the peanut.  Another example that stuck out in my mind is the dream Paul McCartney had of a song.  It’s reported that he awoke after hearing a certain melody in his dream.  He went straight to the piano and started writing down the music.  That dream music turned into the song “Yesterday” by the Beatles.

   Warning Dreams.  Quite a few of these dreams can be literal.  For example, if you’re preparing for a trip and have a dream the night before you leave about a red pickup coming up fast behind you, passing you and then nearly running you off the road, it would good to take note of it.  I’ve heard of people having dreams similar to this and then suddenly out of nowhere it seems their dream is unfolding right before their eyes.  They were smart enough to move out of the way when they saw the vehicle from their dreams approaching.

Warning dreams can also come to the dreamer figuratively and warn about impending danger or bad decisions in the near future.

Chemical Dreams.  These are dreams that are caused by alcohol or drugs of any kind in the system of the dreamer when they lay down for sleep in the night.  Prescription drugs are a big culprit.  So what are you supposed to do with the strange dreams induced by chemicals?  Get off the chemicals and dream again.

Fear Dreams.  Sometimes dreamers confuse these with nightmares because fear dreams can be terrifying.  Truth is, fear dreams are initiated by things the dreamer is afraid of.  The good thing about these dreams is that they reveal fears so they can be dealt with.

Soul Dreams.  Have you ever wanted something so bad that it was all you could think about?  Day after day it was like you were obsessed with this one thing.  Then suddenly you have a dream about that very thing and you take it as a sign to go after it.  It doesn’t always turn out the way you thought it would, especially if that thing you’ve been thinking about is a relationship.

A lot of relationship dreams fall into this category of soul dreams, which is defined as being caused by our most soulish desires.  Relationship dreams are something you definitely want someone experienced in dream interpretation looking at because above all, you need to have an objective opinion.

 Flushing Dreams.  These are most often sexual dreams about another person or several people.  At times I’ve had people share flushing dreams with me and express their concern because they don’t fill their minds with the types of things they are dreaming about.  The dreamer can often feel defiled from these dreams.

The good news is that these flushing dreams, so called because you don’t do anything with them but flush them down an imaginary toilet, can be an indication of several things.  One: you’ve been in contact with someone who is struggling with an area of their sexuality.  Sometimes that struggle can enter our sphere of being and show up in our dreams.  Two: these dreams can be evidence that you’re having issues flushed out of your system and you’re going through a kind of detox.

Do you recognize which category your most recent dream fits into?  Put it in the comments.


Photo credit: colink. via Foter.com / CC BY-SA

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