Don’t Miss the Answer

Don’t Miss the Answer

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I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about dreams and he voiced a concern that I’ve only seen traces of before.  He told me he was afraid to find out what his dreams mean because it might reveal something he didn’t want to know.  My own life has shown me that I can be my own worst enemy.  As far as dreams are concerned, I’ve been working against myself for far longer than I’d like to admit and my own fears have fueled that.

My buddy’s comment stayed with me long after our conversation was finished, and as I ruminated over it, I realized more people might hold this view than I initially realized.  Over the last few years I remembered the reactions of some when I started telling them what their dreams meant.  Some said it all with their body language — turning away and flinching as if i was about to throw a paralyzing verbal blow.  Others, vacillated back and forth saying they wanted to know, then they didn’t want to know, and finally decided they must know.

So, let me say this, if you, dear reader, fall into this category, allow me to attempt to put some of your fears to rest.

First, if you fear to hear the bad in your dream you will miss the answer to defeat the bad.

Second, not all dreams contain something bad or even negative.  Therefore, if you fear all dreams you will miss encouraging dreams, inventive dreams or even calling dreams.

Third, since dreams transcend time and space, you just might be missing a dream that is giving you a warning of danger.  Although these are not the most pleasant dreams to experience, if they speak of some danger to come, they are a valuable ‘heads up’.

Do you fear to find out what your dreams may be saying to you?  If so, I encourage you to explore them anyway.  It’s like many experiences in life where we fear something before exploring it.  Who knows, you may just end up loving it!


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