Curiosity in Dreams

Curiosity in Dreams

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When someone tells me a dream I imagine myself walking through it with the dreamer.  As I’m doing that, I’m constantly curious about why the dream chooses one symbol instead of another or one city instead of another. This kind of questioning curiosity leads me to the discovery of some amazing things. Here’s an example.

Someone shared a dream with me in which they were driving around a large lake in Chicago. Since lots of cities have large lakes near them I began asking questions like why Chicago and not Buffalo?  Then I noticed this theme running through the dream of the dreamer riding along in a car and wanting to stop and take a look at the lake, and trying to think things through of why certain things in the dream were happening. Then I had it. The city the dreamer was driving to in the dream had to be Chicago because of this theme in the dream. It means  SHE– as in the dreamer CAH– as in the way someone from Boston pronounces car and GO – as in don’t stop to analyze or take a look around just go.

This word play astounded the dreamer.  She’d never seen anything like it before.

The questions I ask when I hear a dream only begin with ‘why this certain thing instead of another.’ I also like to ask the dreamer some questions like are you familiar with this certain place or symbol? Or does the setting of the dream mean anything to you? In doing this, I’ve found that the dreamer is a most valuable resource in getting to the bottom of the overall meaning of the dream. Curiosity is a very valuable trait in dream work.

Probably the most astounding thing I’ve found out as curiosity took me over and I started asking a dreamer questions was at Comicon. The examples are too numerous to list here, but time and time again I notice that what a creative person dreams is often what influences their life (most often for the worst) and this influence almost always is displayed in what that person chooses to dress up as to attend Comicon. It’s quite fascinating and I will be delving into this much deeper in the weeks and months ahead.


cobalt123 via / CC BY-NC-SA

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