Celebrities In Dreams

The people you see in your dreams almost always have a metaphorical meaning attached to them. They can represent many different things, including what the person represents to the dreamer, their position as well as the meaning of their name. This doesn’t mean they cannot represent themselves. However, in my experience of interpreting thousands of dreams, the times I’ve seen people represent themselves in a dream are few.
When You Dream about the President
For example, lots of dreamers report having dreams of president Trump. It doesn’t seem to matter if the dreamer loves or hates the president, he’s showing up in their dreams. Most often he represents his office — great influence nationally as well as internationally, someone who holds a very public and powerful position. The same could be said if President Obama appeared in your dream.
Since both President Trump and President Obama are both very polarizing figures, these dreams must be seen with non-emotional objective eyes, and you must approach the dreams asking the question why this president and not that one.
When You Dream about Celelbrities
I’ve had multiple dreams featuring Stephen King. The best way I’ve found to understand what he represents was to consider his talents and name. In other words, one who is extremely skilled with words, or telling stories, and one who is called King. Also, the name Stephen means “crown”, “wreath”.
In my dreams SK represents the best, most skilled in his field. This reminds me of something I once read in an ancient manuscript. “Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before obscure men.” When I stand before Stephen King in my dream, I am reminded that I’m standing before a King. That encourages me to refine my writing skills. I may never literally Stand before Stephen King, but I will not stand before obscure men.
Observing Dream People vs. Engaging with Dream People
So what does it mean when you have a dream about your parents, or coworkers. They could represent their names or positions (parents can often represent a creator or God)but they can also represent what their relationship is with you, the dreamer. That relationship may be loving and nourishing or it may be contentious and painful.
Dreams are unlimited in nature and anything is possible, so in order to find the meaning of a person in your dream it really helps to ask several questions. One of the first is were you, as the dreamer, observing the people in your dream or were you engaging with them in conversation or in some other way?
If you were observing, chances are the dream was about those you were observing. If you’re interacting with the people in your dream chances are the dream is about you. I’m making this distinction because I’ve heard so many people say they had a dream about a certain person and they went and told the person they had a dream about them. Come to find out, the dream wasn’t about that person at all. It was about the dreamer.
Strangers in Dreams
What about the people in your dream that you don’t know? They’re in your place of work, walking through your house, or driving your car. They may ask you to go with them somewhere or tell you something. Either way, these unknown people can help the dream along one way or another.
How can a stranger help move your dream forward? Let’s say you find yourself at work standing in a line of strangers. One person passes a box to another and another and eventually the box works it sway over to you. This means you’re working with others to complete a shared task. The dreams about someone or something other than you, but you have your part in getting things done.
If a stranger’s driving your car and you’re in the passenger’s seat, you’re going somewhere but someone else is in control.
People Within Context
I remember my mentor telling of a time where he had a dream with someone in it he disliked. The dream was interesting in the fact that my mentor was being shown some tough struggles this individual was going through. He wondered why he would have such a dream. After working the dream through several dream principles, he discovered that he was given the dream to give him the perspective of the person through the eyes of their struggle. He began having compassion on the person and actually took some time to pray for them throughout the next week.
Dreams can be intensely personal to the dreamer. This is why its so important to consider what the person you see in your dream means to you. Without context the above dream just seems like my mentor was simply being shown the person was going through a hard time and compassion may or may not have come.
What people have you seen in your dreams? Share in the comments.