Being Pursued in Dreams

Being Pursued in Dreams

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  If you’ve ever been pursued in your dreams you know how terrifying it can be.  It’s especially terrifying if you can’t see what is pursuing you.  My experience with chasing dreams has been long and sometimes very scary until I discovered a little secret that I’d like to share with you.

  The first dream that I remember being chased in was about cannibals. I was around the age of six and I was in the jungle somewhere, in my dream.  I was outside and ran into a small building that was like a school house and church in one to hide from attacking cannibals.  Anyway, this recurring dream was always short and made me much afraid.  I never once saw who was chasing me, although I suspect that it was a cannibal native to the jungles of Africa or Brazil.

  The second dream I had not long after that was just as scary.  I was inside a large room that had school desks in it just being a kid and suddenly monsters entered from the far side of the room.  They were as tall as the ceiling (which at the time was really high to me), and they kind of looked like the creatures in Where the Wild Things Are.  I started to look for a place to hide and found a small desk close to me to hide under.  I immediately knew that I’d be found and so I ran to the far side of the room.  There was a door to another room and I went through it.  At the end of the dream I find out that the “monsters” were good.

  This was a recurring dream and every time I had it I was scared at the beginning and by the end I knew the creatures were friendly and started playing games with my friends and I.  Decades later I found out the dream was telling me that some things that look scary at first are really not that scary.  The dream was trying to get a message to me over and over again.  I finally got the message.

  As adults we don’t have to be scared of creepy or unseen things that chase us in our dreams.  If we’re intentional when we find ourselves in a dream where we’re being chased , we can put an end to the torment and fear.

  Try this: The next time you find yourself being chased in a dream, stop, turn and confront what’s chasing you.  This will have a couple positive effects.  First, you will find out what’s chasing you and you just might be surprised at what you find.  People that have had the courage to do this have reported they’ve been chased from everything from themselves to God.  Second, you just may find that what’s chasing you looks scary but all of a sudden you have a weapon that you didn’t have before to finish off your attacker.

  Dreams area all about finding the hidden truth behind the veil.  If you take the time to explore what’s happening in your dream and take action, especially if you’re afraid, you will nearly always be astonished and in awe of the meaning behind what you’ve dreamed.


Photo credit: geraldbrazell via / CC BY-ND


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