Above all, Consider the Purpose of Your Dream

Every dream has a purpose, a reason why it was given to you. It’s fun to take a look at symbols and try to understand how someone from our past found their way into our dream, but if we don’t understand the dream’s purpose, dream interpretation becomes little more than entertainment. As you begin to understand your dreams, you’ll notice that they are anything but frivolous. In fact, I’ve talked to many people who’ve approached their dreams lightheartedly, and once they’ve heard the interpretation to their dream they were blown away.
Here’s an example:
A young woman told me a dream in which her father kicked her out of her room in the house she grew up in. Then he moved her into a room into the basement and moved in a former co-worker of hers into her room. The co-worker’s name was Rhea.
After some digging, I realized there was a word play at work. My first hint was the name Rhea, anything but a common name. Why did her dad move in this specific co-worker? Why not some other co-worker with a name like Molly or Barb? The reason is that the dream loses its meaning with any other name but Rhea. Why? Because the dreamer was ejected out of her bedroom and it was given to Rhea… Rhea-jected. When I told the dreamer this interpretation with this word play in it she responded by saying “That’s deep.” It completely caught her off guard. That’s what makes dreams so incredible. They can introduce us to ideas that we would dismiss in our waking lives.
The purpose of this dream was to communicate to the dreamer that she needed to deal with her father’s rejection.
When we look below the surface of a dream to find its purpose, we never know what we’re going to get. Just know this, a lot more is going on in our dreams than what we suspect.
Photo credit: / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA