A Glimpse into Stranger Things

A Glimpse into Stranger Things

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This week I bring you a glimpse into the stranger things in my own dreams.

The Dream:

Scene One:

I was playing with a small kitten, rubbing its belly and scratching under its neck.  Fade to black.

Scene Two:

I was standing outside looking at the southeast side of my grandparent’s house.  A small rectangular patch of plowed dirt that looked like where my grandma used to plant roses (only on the other side of the house) had about eight or nine chewed pieces of fluorescent gum lined up in a row.  On the far left there was a medium sized balloon filled with water.  Once I saw that short scene the dream was over.

Although I’ve studied literally hundreds of other people’s dreams, many times my own dreams confuse me greatly.  I sought out the help of a small group of experienced dream interpreters and the veil was pulled back on the mystery of my strange dream.

You see, it doesn’t matter much if you interpret other people’s dreams or you don’t.  Dreams are veiled in mystery.  They are very often hard to understand no matter how much a person knows about dreams.  The advantage is knowing someone who is not emotionally attached to the dream and can step back and look at the whole thing objectively.

So what did my dream mean?

First, it was set at the house of my grandparents where I spent nearly every Christmas and Thanksgiving.  That setting was telling me the dream has to do with family issues. Next, there is a small patch of plowed ground that looked like it was ready to have something planted in it.  Used chewing gum in different fluorescent colors were lined up in a row.  Typically when things are planted into the earth they are planted in rows.  This house of my grandparent’s just happens to be surrounded on all sides by farmland.  What is atypical is no one plants chewing gum into the ground.  We all throw dispose of it after it loses its flavor.

But what if chewing gum represented things members of my family have been chewing on?  What if it represents thoughts and ideas that they are resistant to and need to “chew” over in order to try and make sense of them?  Then it suddenly makes sense to me.

I’ve introduced ideas to my family that they were hesitant to accept.  Dream interpretation is just one.  Through the years I’ve tried to introduce deeper spiritual meaning into the lives of my extended family and they have been resistant to say the least.

So what would a water balloon and playing with a kitten have to do with any of this?

Water is not needed until things are planted, therefore the water is being held in a balloon until a later time when water is needed.  Once the things that my family are chewing on sinks below the surface then it is ready to be watered.  There is not a place of planting something in fertile ground on that side of my grandparent’s house, so the dream is indicating there will be a new place of planting, something that hasn’t been there before.  The soft cuddly kitten simply represents new and innocent life– a fresh start.  I was being shown the end result of the fruit at the very beginning.

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