A Dream’s Future Level

A Dream’s Future Level

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As most of you reading this know, I’m a big believer in encouraging people to write down dreams as soon as they awake.  I also practice this as often as I can.  It’s not only a way of remembering the details of your dream before you forget it, but a lot of times you’ll remember more details of the dream as you write it out.

So you’re probably wondering why I’m admonishing you to once again write down your dreams as soon as you wake up.  Fair enough.  I say it to say this: Dreams are not only for the day after you dream them.  Some dreams are easy enough to remember without writing them down.  You may even remember them awhile after you get an interpretation for them.  But if you write as many dreams down as you can and keep them in a place you can find later, you’ll be able to see another layer of your dreams you may not know exist.

To illustrate this, allow me to share an example from my own life.

When I was a child of eight or nine years old, I remember having a dream that I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room where I saw what, at the time I called a Halloween television set.

The televisions I saw in my dream that night was exactly like the television in our living room, but there was one important difference.  The television set I saw in my dream was covered in cobwebs, and small  jointed cardboard skeletons and all manner of Halloween decorations on top of the television and all along the sides.  Because I had this dream in a month like May or June, I woke up the next morning thinking it was strange that I had a Halloween dream so out of season.

That morning I woke up my dream had an interpretation.  It would go something like this…

You are being told a vision for your life (tell-a-vision is a word play on television) that has ties to the spirit of Halloween.

Now, over four decades later I don’t ever remember having that dream again, but I was caused to remember it, and when I did i interpreted it with what I know about my life today.  That interpretation goes something like this…

You were shown a vision for your life as a child, a vision that will overrun on all sides with the spirit of Halloween.  Those who have adapted the colors and have been overrun with everything Halloween will surround your vision.

Today, I enjoy talking to people about their dreams, but I absolutely love talking to people about their nightmares.  There’s just something about people who are tormented in their sleep by nightmares that makes me want to reach out and help them.  Especially when they have had recurring nightmares and want to get rid of them.

There’s an obvious difference in interpretations.  But what made the difference?  I was able to see the dream in a different light with many decades behind me.  If I would have known someone who could have given me an accurate interpretation of that dream when I was that age, I would have no idea what to do with the interpretation.  After a few decades, it all makes sense.

Therein is the explanation of a dream’s future level and the reason as many dreams as possible need to be written down right after you have them.  You could very well be having a dream about your future tonight when you don’t have enough information to know just how accurate your dream is.  You may not have that information for many years.  If you take a few minutes to write down the dream you wake up with tomorrow morning, it may just have a future level that will amaze you one day.

But you’ll never know unless you write it down.

Leave a comment on a dream you had long ago that has current significance.


Photo credit: Karen Roe via Foter.com / CC BY

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