Simplicity to Confound the Wise

Simplicity to Confound the Wise

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When you woke up from a dream that’s got you thoroughly confused have you been tempted to ask the wisest person you know to help you understand what you dreamed?

  If you’ve ever asked a wise person in your life about a dream you’ve had it’s very likely that they didn’t have any wisdom in dreams. Being able to understand dreams has little to nothing to do with the “wisdom” we think it does. It’s all about finding the simplicity in dreams.

  I’d put money on the fact that the wise people in your life have no inkling where dreams originate.

  Truth is dreams are in a category all their own.

  Many people have come to think of dreams as a flight of whimsey. In other words, something that just happens when we sleep that has little to no design or forethought. Unfortunately, some dream books on Amazon will tell you as much. As I’ve taken dreams apart and put them back together again over the years, I’ve come to find out that not only are dreams not “accidents” of sleep, but they are incredibly well designed; astoundingly so.

…dreams follow principles based on wisdom that originates from a higher place.


Dream Wisdom

  You see, dreams follow principles based on wisdom that originates from a higher place. Ancient societies took this insight for granted and consequently looked to dreams to guide them through difficult situations they faced.

  They understood wisdom in dreams.

  Whole societies used to do this because they honored dreams. In ancient times the wise people were able to help others understand what they dreamed because they understood the value their dreams contained the answer.

  One of the principles the ancients understood was that some of the most profound truths in life are found cloaked within simplicity. Looking at a dream and trying to understand its meaning is much like staring at a food dehydrator and trying to figure out how you’re going to dehydrate the package of peas in your hand. In other words, trying to figure out how you’re going to preserve peas, or preserve peace. It’s not a complicated scene, there are only the package of peas and a food dehydrator. But the word play only reveals itself when you look at the basics of what a food dehydrator does; it preserves.

  From there, peas sounds very much like peace, in fact if you say both phrases fast they sound nearly identical. You have the answer all along but you fail to see it because it takes some practice not to look at a dream situation through natural, literal eyes.

  You have the answer all along but fail to see it because it takes some practice not to look at a dream situation through natural, literal eyes.

  So how do figure out the meaning of word plays in a dream when it only seems to be self evident once you know the answer?

  I’ve found it helps not to be in a hurry. If you give yourself ten minutes to discover a word play that’s a thirty minute or hour discovery you’re never going to find word plays in your dreams. Secrets of dreams are revealed when they’re allowed to incubate within the soil of patience.

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